Por favor contesta necesito hablar con tigo su llamada será transferida al buzón aahhhh mucho orgullo
Please answer, I need to talk to you. Your call will be transferred to voicemail... oh, how very proud.
Disculpa por venir a verte cierto antes dije que nunca me llamas nada tienes que hacer aquí te borre de mis planes
Excuse me for coming to see you. It's true, I previously stated that I would never call you. You have nothing to do here. I've erased you from my plans.
A poco lo hiciste tan fácil según tu juraste amarme y de la noche a la mañana se te dio por olvidarme
Did you make it that easy? According to you, you swore you loved me, but overnight you decided to forget me.
Es cierto que fui inmaduro tuve un mal comportamiento
It's true that I was immature. My behavior was poor.
Pero ahora está de más todo ese arrepentimiento
But now all that regret is excessive.
Sé que no he sido perfecto hoy bastante duele amarte
I know that I have not been perfect. Today, it hurts a great deal to love you.
Estuviste para mí, pero no supe valorarte
You were there for me, but I didn't know how to value you.
Entender comprenderte seguro con alguien sales
To understand, to comprehend you—surely you're seeing someone else.
Estas equivocado ambos no somos iguales
You're mistaken. We are not at all the same.
No soy de ir en relación en relación siempre respeto
I'm not one to jump from relationship to relationship. I always show respect,
Más porque en su momento te quise por completo
Especially because at one time, I loved you completely.
Lo sé, por eso decidí darte la cara ya se
I know, that's why I decided to face you now.
El cariño que me diste a ni una chica se compara
The affection that you gave me, no other girl can compare to.
Preferiste a tus amigos siempre nunca importe
You always preferred your friends. I never mattered.
Lo sé, pero he cambiado acepto que me equivoque
I know, but I have changed. It's true that I made mistakes.
En tus ojos noto cariño
In your eyes I notice affection.
No tienes por qué mentirme
You don't have to lie to me.
Sabiendo qué aunque por todo
Knowing that despite everything,
Fácil no voy a rendirme
I won't give up easily.
Se siente feo mirarte
It hurts to look at you
Y tu brindando indiferencia
When you give me nothing but indifference,
Cuando te has vuelto el motivo
When you've become the reason
Y la razón de mi existencia
And the purpose of my existence.
Me encuentro mal porque sé que te hice daño
I feel bad because I know that I hurt you.
Hoy pasa el tiempo sintiendo que te extraño
Today, time passes by as I feel how much I miss you.
No quiero verte, se va repetir la historia
I don't want to see you because the story will repeat itself.
Los recuerdos que vivimos borre de mi memoria
The memories that we've shared I will erase from my memory.
Me encuentro mal porque sé que te hice daño
I feel bad because I know that I hurt you.
Hoy pasa el tiempo sintiendo que te extraño
Today, time passes by as I feel how much I miss you.
No quiero verte, se va repetir la historia
I don't want to see you because the story will repeat itself.
Los recuerdos que vivimos borre de mi memoria
The memories that we've shared I will erase from my memory.
Te voy a ser sincera, contigo bien la pase,
I'm going to be honest with you—I had a good time with you,
El no verte de nuevo en mi vida nunca imagine
Never did I imagine that I wouldn't see you again in my life.
Mis amigas me ayudaron, dándome buenos consejos
My friends helped me, giving me good advice.
Y aprendí que el motivo del dolor debe de estar lejos
And I learned that the source of pain should be kept far away.
Sabes que no soy mala me pongo en tu lugar
You know that I'm not a bad person. I put myself in your shoes,
Pero este círculo vicioso enserio no va funcionar
But this vicious cycle really won't work.
Disculpa por ser así, esta es nuestra despedida
I apologize for being this way. This is our goodbye.
Gracias por buenos momentos que causaste en mi vida
Thank you for the good times that you brought into my life.
No tienes que agradecer disculpa tu por ser un tonto
You don't have to thank me. I apologize for being an idiot.
Fui el causante a estas reacciones así que dé pie lo afronto
I was the cause of these reactions, so I'll face the consequences head-on.
Jamás te voy a obligar, conmigo cuentas no dudes
I will never pressure you. You can count on me; don't doubt it.
Aquí tienes un amigo, firme sin similitudes
Here you have a friend, unwavering, unlike anyone else.
Nunca debes estar triste vales mucho de verdad
You should never be sad. You are truly worth a lot.
Se aprecia a una mujer fiel con sinceridad
A faithful woman with integrity is something to be treasured.
Aun que me cuente lo entiendo, esa actitud me impresiona
Even though you tell me this, I understand. I'm impressed by your attitude.
Pero hoy tienes mi respeto por ser una gran persona
But today you have my respect for being a great person.
Me encuentro mal porque sé que te hice daño
I feel bad because I know that I hurt you.
Hoy pasa el tiempo sintiendo que te extraño
Today, time passes by as I feel how much I miss you.
No quiero verte, se va repetir la historia
I don't want to see you because the story will repeat itself.
Los recuerdos que vivimos borre de mi memoria
The memories that we've shared I will erase from my memory.
Me encuentro mal porque sé que te hice daño
I feel bad because I know that I hurt you.
Hoy pasa el tiempo sintiendo que te extraño
Today, time passes by as I feel how much I miss you.
No quiero verte, se va repetir la historia
I don't want to see you because the story will repeat itself.
Los recuerdos que vivimos borre de mi memoria
The memories that we've shared I will erase from my memory.
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