家家 - 愛人的自我修養 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский 家家 - 愛人的自我修養

The Self-Cultivation of a Mistress
這次 還是來不及
This time, still can't make it
Christmas is about to pass
沒有 豔遇
No chance encounter
可惜 可是又沒什麼 可惜
Pity, but there's nothing to pity
裙子 可以過季
Dresses can be out of season
魅力 能累積
Charm can accumulate
所以 重點是 輸贏非一時
So, the point is, don't lose for a while
失敗了 回去多讀點書
If you fail, go back and read more books
失戀了 化憂鬱為美麗
If you lose the love, turn melancholy into beauty
徘徊愛情 遊樂場
徘徊爱情 遊樂場
對手好像也 比你強
Your opponent is stronger
如果再不想 當伴娘
If you don't want to be a bridesmaid
好好修煉 愛人的自我修養
Cultivate the self-cultivation of the mistress
不要介意 姐妹們都先離場
Don't mind your sisters who left
只是因為你 要贏 最後最大的獎
Just because you want to win the biggest prize
(告訴你自己 等的他 是壓軸大獎)
(Tell yourself he's the grand prize.)
(告訴你自己 大哥總是 最後才出場)
(Tell yourself the hero always appears at the end.)
都說 不怕輸 才天下無敵
It's said, not fearing defeat is invincible
不如 面對悲劇
Instead of facing the tragedy
Practice smiling
記住 你沒有 過上好日子
Remember you are not living a good life
不過是 男神還沒ready
Just the male god is not ready
絕不是 你有什麼問題
It's not that you have some problems
愛情不來 會怎樣
What if love does not come
來錯了時候 要怎樣
What if it comes at the wrong time
錯得很完美 又怎樣
What if it's perfect
有誰不是 邊愛邊學 進化改良
Everyone is learning and improving love
幸福是一種 模糊 信仰
Happiness is a vague belief
不用天天都 向上
No need to look up every day
也可以 隨機應變 捨短取長
You can also improvise and play to your strengths
(想擁抱 理想對象 修改理想)
(To embrace your ideal boy friend, change your ideal.)

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