JIN - リマインドブルー - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни JIN - リマインドブルー

Reminder Blue
滲んだ帰り道 斜陽に凪いだ歩道
The way back home is tainted, the歩道iscalm under the slanting sun
Gradually quickening my pace
遅れない様に 惑わない様に
So that I don't get late, so I don't get lost
Absorbed in the scenery
また流されて 離れていく
I'm drifting away again, getting further and further
Fading out of sight
浮かんだ八月に 祭囃子の音
The sound of the festival囃子floats in the August air
瑠璃色に 霞んだ坂道
The坂道shimmers in a lapis lazuli hue
忘れない様に 零さない様に
So that I don't forget, so that I don't lose it
頼りない記憶が ずっと瞬いている
My unreliable memory keeps flickering
今になって 思い出すんだ
Only now I remember it
君の歌った 「大人が嫌いな歌」を
The "song adults hate" that you sang
青い影 笑い声 切なさも全部
The blue shadows, the laughter, the sadness, everything
夏枯れたままで 心に遺った
Remained in my heart, still withered
淡い未来の色も まだ解らない
The faint colors of the future are still unknown
あの日から僕らは 大人ぶったままだ
Since that day, we've been pretending to be adults
蝉時雨、追い掛け 行き着いた「今日」も
The "today" we chased after in the蝉時雨is here
思い思いの色を 探してた「昨日」も
The "yesterday" we searched for,each with our own colors
通り過ぎて行くよ 夕焼け空と一緒に
Passes by, along with the sunset sky
変わらない様に 離さない様に
So that nothing changes, so that I don't let go
結んだ手が スッと解けて
The hands we clasped slip away
終わった八月に 二つ、影の模様
In August, which has come to an end, there are two shadows
覚束無い記憶に ずっと佇んでいる
Standing still in my uncertain memory
潤んだ目も 乾かさないまま
Even my wet eyes are still not dry
君は笑った 「さよなら」って 寂しそうに
You smiled and said "goodbye" so sadly
片蔭り 通り雨 言えなかった想いを
The single shade, the passing shower, the feelings I couldn't express
つまらない言葉で 心に隠した
I hid them in my heart with meaningless words
西明かりの色が まだ蘇る
The color of the western light still comes back to me
空回りの僕らは すれ違ったままだ
We, who are just going around in circles, are still at odds
苦笑い、繰り返し 知りすぎた「今日」を
A wry smile, repeating the "today" we know too much about
思い思いの術で 「明日」に託して
Entrusting it to "tomorrow" with our own methods
通り過ぎていくのかな 勘違いと一緒に
Will we pass it by, along with our misunderstandings?
解夏 噴井の音色
The sound of the fountain in the summer
アケビ 線路 炎陽
Akebi, railway, scorching sun
As if choking
As if it's getting more and more colorful
まだ僕はきっと 大人ぶったままで
I'm sure I'll still be pretending to be an adult
掠れない気持ちを 抱えたままで
Still holding on to the feelings that I can't let go of
青嵐の音が 大人しくなって
When the sound of the storm has subsided
夕涼みの歌が 懐かしくなった
The song of the evening breeze brings back memories
青い影 笑い声 「さよなら」の季節は
The blue shadows, the laughter, the season of "farewells"
繰り返すうちに 遠い過去になって
As it repeats, it becomes a distant past
届かない処へ 遥か遠のく
To a place I can't reach, far, far away
残された僕らは 変わらないから
Because we who are left behind will never change
急ぎ足の帰り道も 蜃気楼になって
Even the hurried way back home is becoming a mirage
眩しくって泣いてた あの日に戻って
I wish I could go back to that day when I cried because it was so dazzling
遠回りをしよう 昨日の僕と一緒に
Let's take a detour, together with the me of yesterday

Авторы: シン, じん

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