Jiro Wang - 完美心跳 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Jiro Wang - 完美心跳

Perfect Heartbeat
微笑該怎樣牽動嘴角 擁抱該怎樣雙手纏繞
How should a smile twitch my lips? How should an embrace entwine our hands?
我不停試探 一直創造
I keep testing, keep creating
A heartbeat that matches yours best
但世界太大 幸福有時候 藏匿的太好
But the world is too big and happiness is sometimes hidden too well
我不怕知道 眼淚的味道
I'm not afraid to know the taste of tears.
只怕 這完美的眼神
Only afraid that your perfect eyes
Won't be seen again
我不怕知道 心碎的味道
I'm not afraid to know the taste of heartbreak.
就算 未來不來也好
Even if the future doesn't come
At least let me enjoy one second
Of this heartbeat
心事該怎樣讓你知道 還是我自己都沒預料
How do I let you know what's on my mind, when I can't even predict it myself?
這世界太吵 如何聽到
This world is too noisy, how can I hear
Each other's truest heartbeats?
我們能不能 再不要計較 結局的飄渺
Can we stop thinking about how the ending will be?
我不怕知道 眼淚的味道
I'm not afraid to know the taste of tears.
只怕 這完美的眼神
Only afraid that your perfect eyes
Won't be seen again
我不怕知道 心碎的味道
I'm not afraid to know the taste of heartbreak.
就算 未來不來也好
Even if the future doesn't come
At least let me enjoy one second
Of this heartbeat
Of the heartbeat you gave me
就算 未來不來也好
Even if the future doesn't come
At least we're happy now
我不想知道 結果不重要
I don't want to know, the outcome doesn't matter
就算 只能愛你一秒
Even if I can only love you for a second
At least you can let my heartbeat
Be perfect for this one second

Авторы: Lan Xiao Xie, Zhang Jian Jun Wei

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