Jnybeatz - You are my courage to carry on - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Jnybeatz - You are my courage to carry on

You are my courage to carry on
You are my courage to carry on
於低窪你扶我 於山腰你陪我 一霎眼便過
You helped me in the lowlands; You accompanied me on the mountainside; It passed by in an instant.
風褸早已殘破 彎曲小徑行錯亦信我
My windbreaker is already tattered; You believed in me even when I took the wrong path on the winding trail.
內心需要你清楚 或許得你最認識我
You clearly understood my inner needs; Perhaps you know me better than anyone.
我叛逆由你附和 陪我走最斜的斜坡
You went along with my rebelliousness; You accompanied me on the steepest slopes.
風奔向了山 天擁抱了星 荒郊野嶺中只有我共你
The wind rushed into the mountain; The sky embraced the stars; You and I were alone in the wilderness.
分一半微笑 分一半迷惘 你是我避世的自由勝地
You shared half of your smile; You shared half of your confusion; You are my sanctuary of freedom from the world.
多荒誕世間 多險惡競爭 不需要太多將一切拋棄
No matter how absurd the world is; No matter how fierce the competition is; We don't need much; We can abandon everything.
分一個背包 分一半牛奶 你是我捱過困境的勇氣
You shared a backpack; You shared half of your milk; You are my courage to get through adversity.
低溫給我懷抱 灰心聽我投訴 只有你做到
The low temperature gave me an embrace; You listened to my complaints when I felt disheartened; Only you could do it.
山坡險要無數 中間失散情侶大半數
There are countless dangerous mountain slopes; Many couples get separated in the middle.
上天將我這孤島 特此委派你做水泡
Heaven made me an isolated island; And it specially assigned you to be my life raft.
你自願離棄大路 陪我走雪嶺不畏高
You voluntarily abandoned the main road; You accompanied me on the snowy ridge without fear of heights.
風奔向了山 天擁抱了星 荒郊野嶺中只有我共你
The wind rushed into the mountain; The sky embraced the stars; You and I were alone in the wilderness.
分一半微笑 分一半迷惘 你是我避世的自由勝地
You shared half of your smile; You shared half of your confusion; You are my sanctuary of freedom from the world.
多荒誕世間 多險惡競爭 不需要太多將一切拋棄
No matter how absurd the world is; No matter how fierce the competition is; We don't need much; We can abandon everything.
分一個背包 分一半牛奶 你是我捱過困境的勇氣
You shared a backpack; You shared half of your milk; You are my courage to get through adversity.
山路中幾多次跌低 殘破帳篷擋不了冷風雨勢
We stumbled many times on the mountain road; The broken tent could not block the cold wind and rain.
和你一輩子 誰又怕一身爛泥
Who is afraid of getting covered in mud with you for the rest of our lives?
荊棘太過多 傷口太過多 崎嶇裡更加感到我運氣
There are too many thorns; There are too many wounds; The ruggedness makes me feel even luckier.
分一半晴朗 分一半雷雨 你做我落腳點做人儲備
You shared half of the sunshine; You shared half of the thunder and lightning; You are my foothold; You are my human reserve.
一起去借火 一起去借宿 漆黑裡更加欣賞到優美
We borrowed fire together; We borrowed lodging together; We appreciate the beauty even more in the darkness.
怎麼看財富 怎麼看名氣 燦爛會完結我只需看你
What do I think of wealth?"; What do I think of fame?"; The brilliance will end; I only need to look at you.

Авторы: Jnybeatz, Karris Sauch

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