Joan Dausà - Jo Mai Mai (Acústica) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Joan Dausà - Jo Mai Mai (Acústica)

Jo Mai Mai (Acústica)
I Never Did (Acoustic)
Avui l′Albert arriba a l'hora
Today Albert is on time
Em dóna el cava i el poso en fred
He gives me champagne and I put it on ice
I arriben l′Hèctor i la Clara
And here come Hector and Clara
Porten la nena adormida en el cotxet
They bring the baby asleep in the car seat
I obro la porta a la Judit
And I open the door for Judith
Avui vens sola, m'encanta el teu vestit
You came alone tonight, I love your dress
I va arribant tota la colla
And all the gang is arriving
Quan són a taula trec el sopar
When they are at the table I bring out dinner
Un menjar exquisit, vull probar aquest vi
An exquisite meal, I want to try this wine
Qui vol café? Hi ha gintonics també
Who wants coffee? There are also gin and tonics
I juguem al joc d'aquelles nits d′estiu
And we play the game of those summer nights
No parleu tan fort que la nena dorm
Don't talk so loud, the baby is sleeping
I l′Hèctor diu
And Hector says
Jo mai mai he desitjat fer un petó a la Judit
I have never wished to kiss Judith
I afegeix
And he adds
Jo mai mai he desitjat que deixés el seu marit
I have never wished her to leave her husband
Tothom em mira i ningú beu
Everyone looks at me and no one drinks
I aquell dard emmatzinat se m'ha clavat al cor
And that poisoned dart has pierced my heart
I ho reconec, i faig un glop
And I admit it, and I take a sip
I veig que tots riuen de cop
And I see everyone laughing at once
Però la Judit aixeca el got
But Judith raises her glass
Em mira i diu
Looks at me and says
Jo mai mai no he pensat que seria més feliç al teu costat
I have never thought I would be happier by your side
Jo mai mai no he pensat que seria més feliç al teu costat
I have never thought I would be happier by your side
I jo em congelo i ella beu
And I freeze and she drinks

Авторы: Joan Dausà

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