Joan Manuel Serrat - De Mica en Mica - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Joan Manuel Serrat - De Mica en Mica

De Mica en Mica
By Little by Little
En aquell petit cafè on no hi volen entrar
In that small coffee shop where people normally do not step in
Ni la llum del carrer, ni la gent assenyada
Neither the lights of the street or sensible people
Vaig trobar el teu mirar, melangiós i llunyà
I found your gaze, melancholy and distant
Com la boira que neix al port, de matinada
Like the fog that rises in the harbor in the morning
Et vaig donar una i em vas seguit a la nit
I gave you a hand and you followed me into the night
Com un gosset perdut que prega una carícia
Like a lost puppy begging for a caress
Vas omplir de colors la tristor del meu llit
You filled the sadness of my bed with colors
De vermelles de capvespre i de verds de Galícia
Of evening reds and the greens of Galicia
I el meu racó va a ser
And my corner was going to be
El teu racó també
Your corner too
Eres jove i bonica
You are young and beautiful
Vam començar jugant
We started playing
I et vaig anar estimant
And I began to love you
De mica en mica
Little by little
Em vaig acostumar poc a poc al teu nom
I got used to your name little by little
A la teva escalfor i a les teves paraules
To your warmth and your words
Al soroll del teu pas pujant els esglaons
To the sound of your steps climbing the stairs
I a la teva manera de parar la taula
And to the way you set the table
A l'olor de les teves mans que cada nit
To the smell of your hands that every night
Voltaven el meu cos com una fina gasa
Wrapped around my body like a fine gauze
Però tot es va ensorrar quan et vaig sentir dir
But everything collapsed when I heard you say,
"Me'n vaig a buscar el sol. És molt fosca la casa".
“I'm leaving to find the sun. The house is too dark.”
"Ningú no m'està esperant
“No one is waiting for me.
Gràcies per tot, Joan..."
Thanks for everything, Joan."...
Eres jove i bonica
You are young and beautiful
Se'n va anar de repent
She suddenly left
El que vaig anar perdent
What I was losing
De mica en mica
Little by little
Vaig sentir tant de fred aquelles nits d'estiu
I was so cold those summer nights
Vaig maleir mil cops la petita taverna
I cursed the little tavern a thousand times
Quantes tardes he anat a dur el meu plor al riu
How many afternoons have I gone to take my cry to the river
Quantes nits he passat en blanc, com la lluerna
How many nights have I spent awake like a lamp
Però em vaig acostumar també a viure tot sol
But I also got used to living alone
Sense estripar els papers, ni les fotografies
Without tearing up papers or photographs
Si tinc fam menjo pa. Si tinc fred encenc foc
If I’m hungry, I’ll eat bread. If I’m cold, I’ll light a fire
I penso: "Si avui plou, demà, demà farà bon dia"
And I think: "If it rains today, tomorrow, tomorrow it will be a good day"
I torno a anar al cafè
And I go back to the coffee shop
I penso que potser
And I think that perhaps
Tu eres jove i bonica
You are young and beautiful
Però, el temps ha anat passant
But time has passed
I jo t'he anat oblidant
And I have started to forget you
De mica en mica
Little by little

Авторы: Juan Manuel Serrat Teresa

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