Joan Manuel Serrat - Fins Que Cal Dir-Se Adeu - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Joan Manuel Serrat - Fins Que Cal Dir-Se Adeu

Fins Que Cal Dir-Se Adeu
Until We Must Say Goodbye
Es varen dir:
They told you:
Cal guanyar temps als somnis,
You must gain time on dreams,
Cal anar molt més enllà de les paraules.
You must go far beyond words.
Ser tal com som
Be as we are,
De soca-rel.
From the root up.
Cremar les naus,
Burn the ships,
Navegar a pèl
Sail bare,
A cavall de la cresta de l′onada.
Riding the crest of the wave.
Amor valent per tu,
Brave love for you,
Per guanyar terreny a la vida
To gain ground in life
I contemplar-la
And contemplate it,
Sharing it.
Fins que cal dir-se adéu.
Until we must say goodbye.
L'un dins l′altre
One inside the other,
I cadascú al seu lloc.
And each one in their place.
Pensar en veu alta
Thinking out loud
I tastar-ho tot.
And tasting it all.
I ho varen fer...
And they did it...
Guanyant temps als somnis
Gaining time on dreams,
I compromesos, només, en les coincidències
And committed only to coincidences
I la mútua complicitat.
And mutual complicity.
Eren llavor d'eternitat
They were seeds of eternity,
Compartint les joguines I les vivències.
Sharing toys and experiences.
Amor valent per tu...
Brave love for you...
Va cap on va I dura el que dura.
It goes where it goes and lasts as long as it lasts.
No hi ha marges
There are no margins
Ni mesures.
Or measurements.
Fins que cal dir-se adéu.
Until we must say goodbye.
L'un dins l′altre
One inside the other,
I cadascú al seu lloc.
And each one in their place.
Pensar en veu alta
Thinking out loud
I tastar-ho tot.
And tasting it all.
Fins a la fi
Until the end,
Cal guanyar temps als somnis.
You must gain time on dreams.
Cal anar molt més enllà de les paraules,
You must go far beyond words,
Ser tal com som I dir-se adéu
Be as we are and say goodbye,
Si el cada dia ha fet lo seu
If the day-to-day has done its thing
I ens ha canviat les coses I a nosaltres.
And has changed things and us.
Amor valent per tu,
Brave love for you,
Per guanyar terreny a la vida
To gain ground in life
I esgotar-la
And exhaust it,
I exprimir-la.
And squeeze it.
Fins que cal dir-se adéu.
Until we must say goodbye.

Авторы: Joan Manuel Serrat

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