Joan Manuel Serrat - Helena - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Joan Manuel Serrat - Helena

Fa dies que
Days ago
Abocat al balcó
Leaning on the balcony
He perdut el jornal
I have lost the newspaper
Xerrant amb un pardal
Chatting with a sparrow
Més ensopit que jo
More drowsy than I am
O mirant com
Or watching how
S'esfulla l'alzinar
The oak forest sheds its leaves
Olorant romaní
Smelling rosemary
Com tornen a florir
How they bloom again
I es tornen a esfullar
And shed their leaves again
Fa dies que no quants dies fa
Days ago that I don't know how many days ago
Fa dies que m'estic dient demà
Days ago that I've been telling myself tomorrow
I espero
And I wait
I espero
And I wait
Vivint amb res
Living with nothing
Treballant per no res
Working for nothing
I un dia com si res
And one day as if nothing happened
Morir-me de no res
Dying of nothing
I adéu-siau, mercès
And goodbye, thank you
Al fons d'un bar
In the back of a bar
Fotent-me un perfumat
Having a drink
Per escalfar-me el cor
To warm my heart
Mentre arriba la mort
As death arrives
A jugar al subhastat
To play at the auction
Fa dies que no quants dies fa
Days ago that I don't know how many days ago
Fa dies que m'estic dient demà, demà
Days ago that I've been telling myself tomorrow, tomorrow
I espero
And I wait
I espero
And I wait
I espero
And I wait
Abocat al balcó
Leaning on the balcony
I wait
Despullant l'horitzó
Stripping the horizon
I wait
Espero pel meu goig
I wait for my joy
I per la meva pena
And for my sorrow
Pel dia i per la nit
For the day and for the night
Que torni Helena
For Helena to return
Que torni Helena
For Helena to return
I és que quan passa pel meu carrer
And it's that when she passes by my street
Fins el geranis li acluquen l'ull
Even the geraniums wink at her
L'aire es fa tebi amb el seu alè
The air becomes warm with her breath
I les llambordes miren amunt
And the cobblestones look up
Sa pell morena
Her dark skin
Quan passa Helena
When Helena passes by
Quan ella mira saps que la font
When she looks, you know the source
Quan ella vol, la dóna
When she wants, she gives it
Quan ella plora, saps què és el dol
When she cries, you know what mourning is
Quan ella calla, el món tremola
When she is silent, the world trembles
Quan ella estima, l'amor pren vol
When she loves, love takes flight
I entre teulades es gronxa el sol
And the sun swings between the roofs
I els passerells dels fils de la llum
And the sparrows on the power lines
Miren gelosos com riu i es mou
Watch with jealousy as she laughs and moves
Color d'espera llarga i perfum
Color of long wait and perfume
De lluna plena
Of full moon
La meva Helena
My Helena
La meva Helena
My Helena
Fa dies que
Days ago
L'estar dret em fa mal
Standing hurts
El reuma em menja els dits
Rheumatism eats my fingers
I ha fugit el darrer pardal
And the last sparrow has fled

Авторы: Juan Manuel Serrat Teresa

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