Joan Manuel Serrat - Per al Meu Amic - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Joan Manuel Serrat - Per al Meu Amic

Per al Meu Amic
For My Friend
Puc vendre'm l'ànima al diable
I can sell my soul to the devil,
I el cos als demés
And my body to others,
I llogar fins la guitarra
And rent out even my guitar
Per diners
For money
O trencar la meva imatge
Or break my image
Com si fos de guix
As if it were made of chalk
O jugar-me l'esperança
Or stake my hope
Al "set i mig"
At "seven and a half"
Però no pas aquest poema volador i petit
But not this flying and small poem
Gust d'amor
Taste of love
Color magrana
Pomegranate color
Que he escrit per al meu amic
That I wrote for my friend
Ets bo
You are good
Ets dolç
You are sweet
Ets mascle
You are male
L'alcohol em destruirà el fetge
Alcohol will destroy my liver
I les arnes la pell
And moths my skin
El fum els pulmons
Smoke my lungs
I els homes el cervell
And men my brain
Podreu fullejar els meus somnis
You can browse my dreams,
Grapejar els records
paw through the memories
I estripar-me plors i versos
And tear apart my tears and verses
Jocs i amors
Games and loves
Però no pas aquest poema volador i petit
But not this flying and small poem
Gust d'amor
Taste of love
Color magrana
Pomegranate color
Que he escrit per al meu amic
That I wrote for my friend
Ets bo
You are good
Ets dolç
You are sweet
Ets mascle
You are male
He tingut sort amb les dones
I have been lucky with women
Que ja és molt tenir
Which is already a lot to have
I a les mans la primavera
And spring in my hands
Que ja és dir
Which is to say
He pujat on la neu crema
I have climbed where the snow burns,
I he caigut al sot
And I have fallen into the pit
Demaneu-me el que vulgueu
Ask me for whatever you want,
Que tinc de tot
Because I have everything
Però no pas aquest poema volador i petit
But not this flying and small poem
Gust d'amor
Taste of love
Color magrana
Pomegranate color
Que he escrit per al meu amic
That I wrote for my friend
El bo
The good
El dolç
The sweet
El mascle
The male

Авторы: Joan Manuel Serrat

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