Joan Manuel Serrat - Si No Us Sap Greu - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Joan Manuel Serrat - Si No Us Sap Greu

Si No Us Sap Greu
If It's Not Too Much Trouble
Si no us sap greu
If it's not too much trouble
Si pot ser
If it's possible
M′està corcant el neguit
Anxiety is eating away at me
D'anar a fer un tomb pels carrers
To go for a walk through the streets
Mudat amb els cinc sentits
Armed with my five senses
Us deixo el suplent al mirall
I'll leave you my stand-in in the mirror
I el patrimoni en manlleu
And my assets on loan
Que he de sortir urgentment
Because I have to leave urgently
Si no us sap greu
If it's not too much trouble
Si no us sap greu
If it's not too much trouble
Si pot ser
If it's possible
I'll take
Els perfums d′aquest xàfec de tardor
The perfumes of this autumn shower
Del cec, la punta dels dits
From the blind man, the tips of his fingers
I del pa calent, un crostó
And from the warm bread, a crust
Del brot nou, lo que serà
From the new sprout, what will be
I del sexe el seu darrer alè
And from sex, its last breath
I la claror de la lluna
And the glow of the moon
Si pot ser
If it's possible
Aquesta puta sensació d'arribar sempre tard
This damn feeling of always arriving late
De passar per les coses sense tocar-les
Of passing by things without touching them
De perdre el temps tractant
Of wasting time trying
De fer quelcom d'important
To do something important
Abans que el suplent cridi
Before my stand-in shouts
"Salvi′s qui pugui"
"Save yourself if you can"
M′he promès a la vida
I've promised myself to life
Visquin els nuvis!
Long live the newlyweds!
Anem a esbrinar el que es conspira arreu
Let's go find out what is being plotted everywhere
I el que sospira el revolt del riu
And what the curve of the river sighs
I el que es rondina als mercats
And what is whispered in the markets
I el que el diari no diu
And what the newspaper doesn't say
Si cal viure i cal morir
If we have to live and we have to die
Voldria fer-ho a nom meu
I would like to do it in my own name
Per respecte a l'espècie
Out of respect for the species
Si no us sap greu
If it's not too much trouble

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