Joan Miquel Oliver - Marès a Radial - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Joan Miquel Oliver - Marès a Radial

Marès a Radial
Marès Cut with Circular Saw
Jugues damunt sa tenassa
You're playing on the deck
Dus un biquini i es teus ullarros a sa cara, verds
You're wearing a bikini and your green eyes look into my face
Rínxols negres aguanten aigua salada
Black curls hold back the salty water
Tubo i lentes, globus terraqüis amb eixos
Snorkel and mask, a terrestrial globe with wheels
Nedes i vides de flors submarines
You're swimming and you tell me that there are lots of fish
Treus es cap i me dius que hi ha molts de peixos
You stick your head out of the water and you say that there are lots of fish
Jug a matar pensaments inconnexos
I play at killing unconnected thoughts
Guspires de Sol a la mar són reflexos
Sun flares on the sea are reflections
Surts i t'eixugues: -Què fas?
You get out and you dry yourself: -What are you doing?
Matant helicòpters, avui anam de còctels
Killing helicopters, today we're going for cocktails
Agafes es cotxe i pilotes
You get in the car and start it up
Goma de rodes a carreteres
Rubber from tires on the road
Vas a tota hòstia i no toques voreres
You go full speed and don't touch the sides
Ve una corba i no frenes
There's a curve ahead and you don't brake
Sona a sa ràdio El Cigala
El Cigala is playing on the radio
"Por Dios que bonita es la mañana"
"By God, the morning is beautiful"
I tot és perfecte, i cantes un tros en directe
And everything is perfect, and you sing a bit live
Veig piràmides de sal coniformes
I see cone-shaped salt pyramids
Tall marès a radial molt enorme
Cutting marès with a massive circular saw
Veig piràmides de sal coniformes
I see cone-shaped salt pyramids
Tall marès a radial, llums i ombres
Cutting marès with a circular saw, lights and shadows

Авторы: Juan Miguel Oliver Ripoll

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