Joey Moe - Dobbeltslag - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Joey Moe - Dobbeltslag

Double Heartbeat
Boooom, jeg' ramt.
Boom, here I am.
skød du mig igen, igen.
I have been shot again and again.
Nu' jeg fuld af farve.
Now I'm filled with colors.
Ligger mit hjerte rød og la' det spinde.
My heart beats fast for you, it spins.
Det de spiller i radioen, minder mig om dig.
The songs that they are playing on the radio remind me of you.
den gode måde.
In a good way.
blev en pludselig til to, her min vej under fuldmåne.
And suddenly there were two of you on my path under the full moon.
Du' mit et og alt. Alt i en.
You are everything to me, all in one.
Alle mine drømme i den samme kvinde.
All of my dreams are all in the same woman.
står du bare der, som du er.
And there you stand as you are.
Smukkere end sol over Saint Tropez.
Even more beautiful than the sun over Saint Tropez.
Mit hjerte det slår dobbeltslag.
My heart beats rapidly.
Jeg' ovenpå.
I'm on top of the world.
Jeg føler jeg er top af New York.
I feel like I'm on top of New York.
Raketter fra morgenstunden.
Fireworks from morning till night.
Min hverdag er lidt lige som nytår.
My everyday life is a bit like New Year's Eve.
Det de spiller i radioen, minder mig om dig.
The songs that they are playing on the radio remind me of you.
den gode måde.
In a good way.
blev en pludselig til to, her min vej under fuldmåne.
And suddenly there were two of you on my path under the full moon.
Du' mit et og alt. Alt i en.
You are everything to me, all in one.
Alle mine drømme i den samme kvinde.
All of my dreams are all in the same woman.
står du bare der, som du er.
And there you stand as you are.
Smukkere end sol over Saint Tropez.
Even more beautiful than the sun over Saint Tropez.
Mit hjerte det slår dobbeltslag.
My heart beats rapidly.
Det de spiller i radioen, minder mig om dig.
The songs that they are playing on the radio remind me of you.
den gode måde.
In a good way.
blev en pludselig til to, her min vej under fuldmåne.
And suddenly there were two of you on my path under the full moon.
Du' mit et og alt. Alt i en.
You are everything to me, all in one.
Alle mine drømme i den samme kvinde.
All of my dreams are all in the same woman.
står du bare der, som du er.
And there you stand as you are.
Smukkere end sol over Saint Tropez.
Even more beautiful than the sun over Saint Tropez.
Mit hjerte, som to gange kysser om dagen.
My heart beats twice as fast every day when I see you.
Ja, tænk at, tænk at det skulle slutte en dag.
Just think, just think, it could all end one day.

Авторы: Antonio Nunzio Catania

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