Joker - Palavra - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Joker - Palavra

Sus ve dinle
Listen and understand
Hip Hop benimle
Hip Hop is with me
Dipteydim gördüm yirmimde zirve
I was at the bottom, I saw the peak at twenty
Hayat ensemde vurdu sille
Life slapped me in the back of my head
Kafanız güzel çok da sikimde
Is your head good? I don't care
Benle ringe girme
Don't get in the ring with me
Kimse kimsenin umrunda değil be
No one cares about anyone, baby
Kimin çıkarı varsa bitti dibimde
Whoever has the benefit, it's finished at the bottom
Bu sefer kıvılcım fitilde ve patlamak üzereyiz çekin selfie
This time the spark is in the fuse and we're about to explode, take a selfie
Drill değil bu Rapin serti daha görmediniz oğlum benim semti
This isn't drill, it's the hard rap, you haven't seen my neighborhood, son
Cezaevine edersin terfi sen üretmedin esinlendin
You'll get promoted to prison, you didn't create, you got inspired
Yeni nesiller bunu da yesinler mi?
Will the new generation eat this too?
Herkesin derdiysem itaat et
If I'm everyone's problem, obey
Kıyametinize vesile mesih geldi çek
The messiah came, the end of your world, take it
Damarına ya da çek bir nefes
To your vein or take a breath
Olayınız bir anlık heves
Your thing is a momentary passion
Kafan matiz paketsin hapiste
Your head is hazy, you're in prison
Twittera hashtag hayatınız abes
Your life is absurd on Twitter, hashtag
Rhymelarınız lateks oğlum sekip geldin aynı plates topu
Your rhymes are latex, son, you jumped in, same as a plates ball
Capiniz ters ama yok manifestonuz
Your cap is wrong, but there's no manifesto
Rapi bi' sal lütfen git arabesk oku
Just leave rap alone, please, go read arabesque
Hele bi' geç elekten
Just go through the sieve
Cereme çek ki çelenk verek
Pull the trigger so they give you a wreath
Sen çeneni tut bekle cebe indirdiğin kadar gebereceksin
Shut your mouth, wait, you'll die as much as you put in your pocket
Emeklemeden koşmak istiyorsun
You want to run without crawling
Defter boşsa bırak o kalemi yere denklem zor
If the notebook is empty, leave the pen on the ground, the equation is difficult
Bu hedefleri tek tek eritmeye geldim
I came to melt these goals one by one
Şerefe kelebekler
Cheers to butterflies
Boş yere anlatma
Don't tell me for nothing
Palavra palavra
Nonsense, nonsense
Palavra palavra
Nonsense, nonsense
Palavra palavra
Nonsense, nonsense
Karnım tok inanmam
My stomach is full, I don't believe it
Yalana dolana
Lies and deceit
Yalana dolana
Lies and deceit
Yalana dolana
Lies and deceit
Boş yere anlatma
Don't tell me for nothing
Palavra palavra
Nonsense, nonsense
Palavra palavra
Nonsense, nonsense
Palavra palavra
Nonsense, nonsense
Karnım tok inanmam
My stomach is full, I don't believe it
Yalana dolana
Lies and deceit
Yalana dolana
Lies and deceit
Yalana dolana
Lies and deceit
Son beş yılda oldu hepsi Rapçi
It all happened in the last five years, rapper
Rapçi değil LSD genci
Not a rapper, an LSD kid
Gelip Eskişehir'e torba tutan
Who came to Eskisehir and held a bag
Methçileri sikip geçmek zevkli gerçi
It's fun to pass the meth addicts, though
Çenemin ayarı yoktu bence de
My jaw was out of control, I think
Bu sözleri dinleyen oldu felç
Those who listened to these words became paralyzed
Hayal aleminde yaşarken kraldın da
You were a king while living in a dream world, but
Sopayı yedin oldun Jokerci (sik)
You got the stick, you became a Joker (fuck)
Rest çekiyorum on altı bar
I'm taking a break, sixteen bars
Mekan kapat olay çıkar
The place is closed, there's a commotion
O kancıklar bu sikimde sanıyorlarsa
Those sluts think it's in my mind if they think so
Gel eğlenip dağıtalım gerçeğin ne önemi var
Come on, let's have fun and distribute, what's the importance of the truth?
Jenerasyonu zehirle yılan gibi sonra geç köşene takıl elinde biran
Poison the generation like a snake, then go to your corner, hang out with a beer in your hand
Sakın ağlama geldi sıran
Don't cry, it's your turn
Bayrak bende çünkü komutan firar etti
The flag is mine because the commander has fled
Savaşın sonunda zafer ilan edilecekse
If victory is to be declared at the end of the war
Esir olup onu zindanda bekleyemem
I can't be a prisoner and wait for him in prison
Engeller önüme dağ gibi çıktıkça güçleniyorum inan
Obstacles rise before me like mountains, but I'm getting stronger, believe me
Bu limana demir atma piranalara yem ederim hepinizi diri diri lan
I won't let you anchor in this harbor, I'll feed you all to the piranhas, alive, damn it
Hadi marş marş geri geri dağılın
Come on, march, march, back, back, disperse
Yoksa sizi ölümüne dağıtacak birileri var
There are those who will scatter you to death
Gizli numaradan ararlar ulaşamazlar bana
They call from a hidden number, they can't reach me
Kaybolurlar inince sokaklara
They get lost when they descend to the streets
Biletini alıp yollarız otogara
We'll buy their ticket and send them to the bus station
Bok yoluna gider bütün kolpalar
All the fakes go to hell
Kırıntılarını topla mal
Pick up the crumbs, dude
Adam çarpmak ister cin olmadan
A man wants to strike, without being a demon
Um'runda değil Hip Hop falan
He doesn't care about hip hop or anything
Bi' ton salak mikrop salar mikrofona ama hit olsalar
He throws a ton of stupid germs into the microphone, but if they were hits
Kaç yazar acaba kendini bi' bok sanar mikroorganizmalar
How many would write, would he think he's shit, microorganisms
Bi' sifonla gider kanalizasyona (eyvah)
He'll go with a siphon to the sewer (ouch)
Boş yere anlatma
Don't tell me for nothing
Palavra palavra
Nonsense, nonsense
Palavra palavra
Nonsense, nonsense
Palavra palavra
Nonsense, nonsense
Karnım tok inanmam
My stomach is full, I don't believe it
Yalana dolana
Lies and deceit
Yalana dolana
Lies and deceit
Yalana dolana
Lies and deceit
Boş yere anlatma
Don't tell me for nothing
Palavra palavra
Nonsense, nonsense
Palavra palavra
Nonsense, nonsense
Palavra palavra
Nonsense, nonsense
Karnım tok inanmam
My stomach is full, I don't believe it
Yalana dolana
Lies and deceit
Yalana dolana
Lies and deceit
Yalana dolana
Lies and deceit

Авторы: Kerem Mert Tuna, Mete Erpek, Taylan Alıcı

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