Joker Xue feat. 郭聰明 - 耗盡 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Joker Xue feat. 郭聰明 - 耗盡

我好像 很擅长 自己去某个地方
I'm so good at wandering off by myself
跟着光 路很长 临走时也会回头望
Following the light, the road is long, and I look back as I leave.
醉一场 天一亮 我们又人模狗样
I get drunk for a night, and by morning we're all pretending again,
夜一深 哭一场 每次能缓解点疯狂
When night falls, I cry again, it's the only thing that calms the madness.
我们放肆的生长 只为了能回去一趟
We grow up recklessly, just to try to go back,
能回到 惹一位姑娘她最后落泪的地方
To go back to where we made a girl cry for the last time.
许便宜糕点的愿望 撒闭眼前想好的谎
Wishing for cheap pastries, telling lies we thought of before we went to sleep,
都不甘心的打发着 一层初妆
Unwilling to give up our childish ways.
我们要不回理想 还耗尽了归途的光
We can't get back our dreams, we've used up all the light on our way back.
一直到 寻你的姑娘认不出了你的模样
Until the girl you're looking for doesn't recognize you anymore.
借巨塔许愿望 攒违心的鼓掌
Wishing on a giant tower, gathering empty applause,
请迷恋我 一身假象
Please stay obsessed with me, my whole being is an illusion.
都好像 很擅长 让自己困在远方
We seem to be so good at keeping ourselves trapped far away,
纸一张 字一脏 藏着我无畏的模样
A piece of paper, scribbled on and dirty, hides my fearless appearance.
我们 放肆的生长 只为了能回去一趟
We grow up recklessly, just to try to go back,
能回到 惹一位姑娘她最后落泪的地方
To go back to where we made a girl cry for the last time.
许便宜糕点的愿望 撒闭眼前想好的谎
Wishing for cheap pastries, telling lies we thought of before we went to sleep,
都不甘心的打发着 一层初妆
Unwilling to give up our childish ways.
我们要不回理想 还耗尽了归途的光
We can't get back our dreams, we've used up all the light on our way back.
一直到 寻你的姑娘认不出了你的模样
Until the girl you're looking for doesn't recognize you anymore.
借巨塔许愿望 攒违心的鼓掌
Wishing on a giant tower, gathering empty applause,
请迷恋我 一身
Please stay obsessed with me, my whole being is an illusion.
我们最后的下场 是对着谁念念不忘
Who will we end up thinking about all the time?
一直到 耗尽了等你的姑娘也不知去向
Until the girl you're waiting for disappears.
谁完成我愿望 谁模仿你初妆
Who will grant my wish? Who will pretend to be you?
Who will come back to us as we once did.

Авторы: Zhi Qian Xue, Cong Ming Guo

Joker Xue feat. 郭聰明 - 耗盡
дата релиза

1 耗盡

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