Jon Baiat Bun - Suleyman - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Jon Baiat Bun - Suleyman

Suleyman, Suleyman
Suleyman, Suleyman
Suleyman, Suleyman
Suleyman, Suleyman
Suleyman, Suleyman
Suleyman, Suleyman
Suleyman, Suleyman
Suleyman, Suleyman
Suleyman, Suleyman
Suleyman, Suleyman
Suleyman, Suleyman
Suleyman, Suleyman
Suleyman, Suleyman
Suleyman, Suleyman
Suleyman, Suleyman
Suleyman, Suleyman
Suleyman, Suleyman
Suleyman, Suleyman
Pentru toti cei care-s fani
For all those who are fans
Cand vad atatea cadane
When I see so many concubines
Regret ca nu-s musulman
I regret not being a Muslim
Atunci cand sunt foarte praf
When I'm really wasted
Sa ma-nchin la Allah
To worship Allah
Sa-mi puna doua zeite-n sah
To put two goddesses in checkmate
Jon Baiat Bun e afemeiat
Jon Baiat Bun is a ladies' man
O narghilea sa-l ard pe Mugurel
A hookah to burn Mugurel
Prietenul meu fidel
My faithful friend
A. K. A. Gigi, Gigi, Gigel
A.K.A. Gigi, Gigi, Gigel
Una, doua, esti la un alt nivel
One, two, you're on another level
Multe sticle, multe pahare
Many bottles, many glasses
Care mai de care consumatoare
Each one more of a consumer than the last
Renunta la toale, in tatele goale
Give up your clothes, in your bare breasts
Daca tot faci miscare la mine in cale
If you're gonna move your body in front of me
Cu astfel de trup, misca din fund
With a body like that, shake your ass
Cur, g****, vreau sa te f*t
Bitch, whore, I wanna f*ck you
Vorbesc urat, vulgar
I speak ugly, vulgar
Dar ce conteaza
But who cares
Sunt gand la gand cu orice p*zda de pe pamant
I'm on the same page as any bitch on earth
Careia ii place p*la mult
Who likes dick a lot
Conceput sa iubesc tarfe
Conceived to love whores
Sa fiu peste, sa produc lei
To be on top, to make money
Suleyman, Suleyman
Suleyman, Suleyman
Suleyman, Suleyman
Suleyman, Suleyman
Suleyman, Suleyman
Suleyman, Suleyman
Suleyman, Suleyman
Suleyman, Suleyman
Suleyman, Suleyman
Suleyman, Suleyman
Tu esti mare bossultan
You are a big boss sultan
Arunci pe femei cu bani
You throw money at women
Ce n-as da ca sa te am
What I wouldn't give to have you
Suleyman, Suleyman
Suleyman, Suleyman
Tu esti mare bossultan
You are a big boss sultan
Tu nu stii ce-i ala gram
You don't know what a gram is
Tu iei doar la kilogram
You only take it by the kilogram
Scot fum pe nas ca un minotaur
I blow smoke out my nose like a minotaur
Magnific, chimic, nara de aur
Magnificent, chemical, golden nostril
Stau chill, am stil, flow de balaur
I'm chilling, I have style, dragon flow
Vreau p*zda, buze, tate, tezaur
I want pussy, lips, tits, treasure
Pur romanesc si avem de-un harem
Pure Romanian and we have a harem
Toarna in pahare, hai sa bem
Pour into the glasses, let's drink
Ti-o prezint pe una
Let me introduce you to one
Se lipeste de cash mai rau ca guma
She sticks to cash worse than gum
Hubba Bubba
Hubba Bubba
Isi concentreaza bine munca
She concentrates her work well
Cand sta in patru labe
When she's on all fours
Sau deasupra
Or on top
Toata, toata, Kamasutra
All, all, Kamasutra
Ai buzele marimea mea
Your lips are the size of mine
Mai apleaca-te o treapta
Lean down a step closer
Fa-i Abracadabra, termina-ti treaba
Do the Abracadabra, finish your job
Si hai din nou pe treaba
And let's get back to work again
Facem Bling Bling
We're doing Bling Bling
Gang bang
Gang bang
Puf puf
Puff puff
Episoade de-astea, frate, am rulat noi o gramada
Episodes like these, brother, we've run through a bunch
Recrutam mereu actrite sa ne iubim in brigada
We're always recruiting actresses to love us in the brigade
Balta are peste, spune asta forma de pe harta
The pond has fish, says this shape on the map
Suleyman, Suleyman
Suleyman, Suleyman
Suleyman, Suleyman
Suleyman, Suleyman
Ce n-as da ca sa te am
What I wouldn't give to have you
Suleyman, Suleyman
Suleyman, Suleyman
Suleyman, Suleyman
Suleyman, Suleyman
Suleyman, Suleyman
Suleyman, Suleyman
Tu esti mare bossultan
You are a big boss sultan
Arunci pe femei cu bani
You throw money at women
Ce n-as da ca sa te am
What I wouldn't give to have you
Suleyman, Suleyman
Suleyman, Suleyman
Tu esti mare bossultan
You are a big boss sultan
Tu nu stii ce-i ala gram
You don't know what a gram is
Suleyman, Suleyman
Suleyman, Suleyman
Tu esti mare bossultan
You are a big boss sultan
Arunci pe femei cu bani
You throw money at women
Ce n-as da ca sa te am
What I wouldn't give to have you
Suleyman, Suleyman
Suleyman, Suleyman
Tu esti mare bossultan
You are a big boss sultan
Tu nu stii ce-i ala gram
You don't know what a gram is
Tu iei doar la kïlogram
You only take it by the kilogram

Авторы: Razavn Mircea Ion, Vlad Costin Munteanu, Cristian-valentin Udrea, Cazan Ionut Serban

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