Jonas Sanche - Parrafos Largos - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Jonas Sanche - Parrafos Largos

Parrafos Largos
Long Paragraphs
No es necesario tanto preámbulo
There's no need for so much preamble, baby
Soy yo meditando frente a este lienzo esta es
It's me, meditating in front of this canvas, this is
Otra canción de párrafos largos, campos muy amplios
Another song of long paragraphs, vast fields
Donde tiendo a recorrer mi mente desde los
Where I tend to travel my mind from the
Pensamientos mas limpios hasta los mas agrios
Cleanest thoughts to the most bitter ones
Yo solo he madurado pero ustedes son como el
I've only matured, but you are like the
Clima, lleno de cambios y falsedad es lo que menos ansio
Climate, full of changes and falsehood is what I least desire
Problemas quien los quiere cerca llegan solos como
Problems, who wants them near? They arrive alone like
Seres a golpear mi puerta yo hasta sin lentes los veo a todos
Beings knocking on my door, even without glasses I see them all
Son una mierda componen treta campeon entrena veo
They are shit, they make up betrayal, champion, train, I see
Que se esmeran en guerra dime quien eres en un tema
That they strive in war, tell me who you are in a theme
Que solucion das al dilema sabes que la decepción
What solution do you give to the dilemma, you know that disappointment
Es mas grande mientras que de alguien algo esperas
Is greater the more you expect something from someone
Usureros, querían meterme la mano al bolsillo y
Usurers, they wanted to put their hand in my pocket and
Yo sin comida en mi plato y sin un techo pa mi hijo
Me without food on my plate and without a roof for my son
Si quieres verme en tu concierto pagaras el doble
If you want to see me at your concert you'll pay double
Escucharas esta cancion de frente y sabras que no fuiste noble
You'll listen to this song head-on and you'll know you weren't noble
El que se mete con mi familia se jode y aunque
He who messes with my family is screwed and even if
Quieras betarme cual cobarde a traves de rumores
You want to challenge me like a coward through rumors
Lo pensaras 2 veces con raperos no te metas te lo
You'll think twice, don't mess with rappers, I told you at your
Dije en tu mesa ademas de que me comeria el planeta
Table, besides I would eat the planet
Nunca creiste en mi con eso no hay problema sacaste
You never believed in me, there's no problem with that, you brought up
En cara un par de tarimas que yo tendre la vida entera
A couple of stages that I'll have for life
A mi no me aflige haz visto una esfinge algo
It doesn't afflict me, have you seen a sphinx, something
Inamovible clasico y mas simple, no se si me explico
Immovable, classic and simpler, I don't know if I explain myself
A veces desenfreno guia lo que escribo
Sometimes I unleash, guide what I write
Alzo mi pensamiento y a la gente solo agito
I raise my thought and I just shake people
Otras veces mi consciencia pregunta donde te haz ido
Other times my conscience asks where you have gone
Despertándome del sueño antes de lograr el cometido yeah
Waking up from the dream before achieving the mission yeah
Me analizo tanto como tu cuerpo desnudo y dormido que
I analyze myself as much as your naked and sleeping body that
Me mata si no estas porque en mi cora esto sigue vivo
It kills me if you're not here because in my heart this is still alive
Se que rompo lo que tengo, que mi impulso me hace ciego
I know I break what I have, that my impulse makes me blind
Se que actuo y me arrepiento esto es una bomba de tiempo
I know I act and regret, this is a time bomb
Donde alguno ira a recoger el cadaver del
Where someone will go to pick up the corpse of the
Otro pa dejarlo descansar en eterno reposo
Other to let it rest in eternal repose
Porque el que ama de verdad se va antes de pudrirse en
Because whoever truly loves leaves before rotting in
Odio y no solo de nuestro amor muerto hablara este folio
Hate and not only our dead love will this folio speak of
Quiero, beber del rio que nace de la montaña,
I want to drink from the river that is born from the mountain,
No ver notificaciones en el celular por la mañana
Not see notifications on my cell phone in the morning
Quiero, decir lo que pienso ensordecer con
I want to say what I think, deafen with
Esto volver a creer en ti y mantenerme despierto
This, believe in you again and stay awake
Casi ni me ofende que me mientan es mas lo entiendo
It hardly offends me that they lie to me, in fact I understand it
Se que mi padre ha cambiado y que descansa en dios
I know my father has changed and that he rests in God
Que yo le rezo a mi abuela porque escucho su voz
That I pray to my grandmother because I hear her voice
Dice construye tu palacio y no te seques el sudor
She says build your palace and don't dry your sweat
Que sea cauto con la droga que me apaga el motor
Be careful with the drug that shuts down my engine
Que cuando es prospero todos sonrien de lo mejor
That when you are prosperous everyone smiles their best
Pero cuando no tuviste nada pocos dieron su amor,
But when you had nothing few gave their love,
Tu siempre estaras bendito si eres el adverso escritor
You will always be blessed if you are the adverse writer
Trae lo genuino de tus vísceras cuando sube el
Bring the genuine from your guts when the
Telon, soy Roberto Benigni la vida es bella y con honor
Curtain rises, I'm Roberto Benigni, life is beautiful and with honor
Yo no compito con nadie esto no hace que me sienta inferior no
I don't compete with anyone, this doesn't make me feel inferior, no
Quiero ser como mi idolo, yo vivo en mi dolor cautivo y frívolo
I want to be like my idol, I live in my captive and frivolous pain
Mi estilo inequívoco les trae presion media
My unmistakable style brings them medium pressure
Decada en silencio normal que salga de corazon
Decade in silence, it's normal for it to come out from the heart
A mi que me importa que se enriquezcan con barras de
What do I care that they get rich with bars of
Ficcion tu ropa es prestada, tus billetes no valen ni su impresion
Fiction your clothes are borrowed, your bills are not worth even their printing
Esto es letra tras letra concentrando fuerza con letras como esta
This is letter after letter, concentrating force with letters like this

Авторы: Composer Author Unknown, David Ignacio Castillo Sanchez

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