Jorge Drexler - Club tonight - Cara B - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Jorge Drexler - Club tonight - Cara B

Club tonight - Cara B
Club tonight - Cara B
Aquesta vegada no puc més i he deixat de treballar
This time I can't take it anymore and I've stopped working
M′he passat tota la vida escombrant milers de carrers
I've spent my whole life sweeping thousands of streets
I avui no puc més i he deixat de treballar
And today I can't take it anymore and I've stopped working
No em fa falta cap motiu, avui ho he vist molt clar
I don't need any reason, today I saw it very clearly
El meu temps ha arribat després de seixanta anys
My time has come after sixty years
Jo vull dir-te que nena, quedem-nos en aquest Club Tonight
Baby, I want to tell you that, let's stay in this Club Tonight
Que et canto una cançó d'amor
I will sing you a love song
Jo vull dir-te que nena, quedem-nos en aquest Club Tonight
Baby, I want to tell you that, let's stay in this Club Tonight
Que demà es Festa Major, per tu i per jo, per tu i per mi
Because tomorrow is a big party, for you and me, for you and me
Invertiré tota la pensió un fons de benestar personal
I will invest all my pension in a personal welfare fund
Me′n vull anar a fer-te una visita
I want to go and visit you
El mar i el cel per fi, potser no lluny d'aquí trobaré els amor perduts
The sea and the sky at last, maybe not far from here I'll find my lost love
Que han inspirat tantes cançons genials
Who inspired so many great songs
Jo vull dir-te que nena, quedem-nos en aquest Club Tonight
Baby, I want to tell you that, let's stay in this Club Tonight
Que et canto una cançó d'amor
I will sing you a love song
Jo vull dir-te que nena, quedem-nos en aquest Club Tonight
Baby, I want to tell you that, let's stay in this Club Tonight
Que demà es Festa Major, per tu i per jo, per tu i per mi
Because tomorrow is a big party, for you and me, for you and me
Jo vull dir-te que nena, quedem-nos en aquest Club Tonight
Baby, I want to tell you that, let's stay in this Club Tonight
Que et canto una cançó d′amor
I will sing you a love song
Jo vull dir-te que nena, quedem-nos en aquest Club Tonight
Baby, I want to tell you that, let's stay in this Club Tonight
Que demà es Festa Major, per tu i per jo, per tu i per jo
Because tomorrow is a big party, for you and me, for you and me

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