Jose Riaza - Criaturas Mágicas - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Jose Riaza - Criaturas Mágicas

Criaturas Mágicas
Magical Creatures
Y la vi alejarse entre los arboles de un paraje salvaje,
I saw her walking away among the trees of a wild place,
Silvestre pero familiar,
Wild but familiar,
Yo vestía de gris camuflaje
I was wearing gray camouflage
Y ella de colores,
And she was wearing colors,
Iba derecha al amanecer,
She was going straight to the sunrise,
Yo en dirección opuesta
I in the opposite direction
¿Qué quién era?
Who was she?
¿No la reconocéis por su fermosura?
Don't you recognize her by her beauty?
¿No os dice nada lo intrépido de su figura,
Doesn't her fearless figure tell you anything,
La insolencia de sus andares,
The insolence of her steps,
Su rotundo palpitar,
Her strong heartbeat,
La seguridad en sus pisadas
The confidence in her steps
O la necedad de su rumbo?.
Or the stubbornness of her path?
Y mientras brincaba risueña por el sendero me gritó entre cánticos:
And while she was jumping happily along the path, she shouted to me among the songs:
"Adiós querido" y yo le respondí:
"Goodbye, dear," and I answered her:
"Hasta siempre querida juventud".
"Farewell, my dear youth".

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