Josep Thió - Els Teus Cels - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Josep Thió - Els Teus Cels

Els Teus Cels
Your Skies
Si hagués nascut més a prop teu
If I had been born closer to you,
Hauria vist tots els teus cels
I would have seen all your skies.
No em puc imaginar
I cannot imagine
La teva infància
Your childhood
I tot el temps que m'és negat
And all the time that was denied me.
Tots els camins que he estat voltant
All the paths I have walked
Per arribar on erets
To reach where you are.
He estat tant temps perdut
I have been so lost for so long,
Fins que no t'he conegut
Until I met you.
Va ser una nit tant llarga
It's been such a long night.
Sonen campanes a dins del meu cor
Bells chime in my heart.
Ja s'ha complert la profecia
The prophecy has been fulfilled.
M'omples la casa de sons i perfums
I fill the house with sounds and fragrances
Que dibuixes en l'aire
That you draw in the air.
Ara com t'eixugues els cabells
Now I know how you dry your hair,
La cara que fas al llevar-te
The face you make when you wake up,
Com plegues la roba tan dolça com tu
How you fold the clothes, as sweet as you,
D'on neixen les rialles, dels ulls
Where laughter comes from, from the eyes.
SI hagués nascut mes a prop teu
If I had been born closer to you,
Hauria vist tots els teus hiverns
I would have seen all your winters.
No em puc imaginar
I cannot imagine
Les teves trenes
Your braids,
Però no el temps que m'és negat
But not the time that is denied me.
Tots els camins que he estat voltant
All the paths I have walked
Per arribar on erets
To reach where you are.
He estat tant temps perdut
I have been so lost for so long,
Fins que no t'he conegut
Until I met you.
Va ser una nit tant llarga
It's been such a long night.
Sonen campanes a dins del meu cor
Bells chime in my heart.
Ja s'ha complert la profecia
The prophecy has been fulfilled.
M'omples la casa de sons i perfums
I fill the house with sounds and fragrances
Que dibuixes en l'aire
That you draw in the air.
Ara com t'eixugues els cabells
Now I know how you dry your hair,
La cara que fas al llevar-te
The face you make when you wake up,
Com plegues la roba tan dolça com tu
How you fold the clothes, as sweet as you,
D'on neixen les rialles, dels ulls
Where laughter comes from, from the eyes.
No puc deixar de sentir-me gelós
I can't help but feel jealous
Dels anys que no t'he pogut veure
Of the years I couldn't see you.
El teu somriure m'esborra del cap
Your smile erases this nonsense
Aquesta tonteria
From my mind.
Et miro amor meva i penso en la sort
I look at you, my love, and think of my luck,
La sort que ha estat trobar-te
The luck of finding you.
Ets com un àngel que baixa del cel
You are like an angel descending from heaven,
Que ha vingut a salvar-me
Who came to save me.
Sonen campanes a dins del meu cor
Bells chime in my heart.
Ja s'ha complert la profecia
The prophecy has been fulfilled.
M'omples la casa de sons i perfums
I fill the house with sounds and fragrances
Que dibuixes en l'aire
That you draw in the air.
Ara com t'eixugues els cabells
Now I know how you dry your hair,
La cara que fas al llevar-te
The face you make when you wake up,
Com plegues la roba tan dolça com tu
How you fold the clothes, as sweet as you,
D'on neixen les rialles, dels ulls
Where laughter comes from, from the eyes.

Авторы: Josep Maria Thio Fernandez De Henestrosa

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