Josep Thió - Sorra I Aigua - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Josep Thió - Sorra I Aigua

Sorra I Aigua
Sand and Water
He oblidat el meu nom perquè vull ser
I've forgotten my name because I want to be
Una pedra petita i caure al mar
A small stone and fall into the sea
Restar perduda molt de temps
To remain lost for a very long time
Vivint mirant els peixos i algues
Living by watching the fish and seaweed
Sense límits per trobar-te
Without limits to find you
Sense límits per abraçar-te
Without limits to embrace you
Que sorra i aigua vagin fent de mi
May sand and water make of me
La pedra més bonica que has tingut mai a les mans
The most beautiful stone you've ever held in your hands
Serà perfecte quan em trobis
It will be perfect when you find me
I em duguis a casa, com un gran tresor
And take me home, like a great treasure
Has oblidat el teu nom perquè vols ser
You've forgotten your name because you want to be
Núvols, vent i pluja i viure al cel
Clouds, wind and rain and live in the sky
Vagar dormida lluny de la gent
Wander asleep far from people
Per damunt de boscos i cases
Above forests and houses
Sense límits per trobar-me
Without limits to find me
Sense límits per abraçar-me
Without limits to embrace me
Tu estàs allà dalt i fas que el vent es mogui aquí
You are up there and make the wind move here
Quan em banya la pluja vull pensar que ho fas per mi
When the rain bathes me, I want to think you do it for me
Fa temps que espero que tornis aquí
I have been waiting for you to come back here for a long time
Vine'm a veure a prop del camí
Come see me near the road
D'aquí no em mouré fins que no tornis a passar
I won't move from here until you pass by again
T'agradarà, fa temps que cerco algú com tu
You'll like me, I've been looking for someone like you for a long time
He ballat moltes cançons i ara vull caminar
I've danced many songs and now I want to walk
Agafats de les mans, seguint el teu pas
Holding hands, following your steps
Sense límits per estimar-te
Without limits to love you
He oblidat el meu nom perquè vull ser
I've forgotten my name because I want to be
Una pedra petita al teu calaix
A small stone in your drawer
Tu estàs allà dalt i fas que el vent es mogui aquí
You are up there and make the wind move here
Quan em banya la pluja vull pensar que ho fas per mi
When the rain bathes me, I want to think you do it for me
Fa temps que espero que tornis aquí
I have been waiting for you to come back here for a long time
Vine'm a veure a prop del camí
Come see me near the road
D'aquí no em mouré fins que no tornis a passar
I won't move from here until you pass by again
I t'agradarà, fa temps que cerco algú com tu
And you'll like me, I've been looking for someone like you for a long time
He ballat moltes cançons i ara vull caminar
I've danced many songs and now I want to walk
Agafats de les mans, seguint el teu pas
Holding hands, following your steps
Que sorra i aigua vagin fent de mi
May sand and water make of me
La pedra més bonica que has tingut mai a les mans
The most beautiful stone you've ever held in your hands
Serà perfecte quan em trobis
It will be perfect when you find me
I em duguis a casa, com un gran tresor
And take me home, like a great treasure
Sense límits per trobar-te
Without limits to find you

Авторы: Josep Maria Thio Fernandez De Henestrosa, Sebastian Saurina Mesquida

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