Josipa Lisac - Nek Se Dijete Zove Kao Ja - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Josipa Lisac - Nek Se Dijete Zove Kao Ja

Nek Se Dijete Zove Kao Ja
May the Child Be Named Like Me
O tebi već odavno nisam čula niti riječ
I haven't heard a word about you for a long time
O tebi nisam čula niti a
I haven't heard anything about you
Ak je tvoja ljubav plodom urodila već
If your love has already borne children
Nek se dijete zove kao ja
May the child be named like me
Nek se dijete zove kao ja
May the child be named like me
Poslije bezbroj godina, sjeo sam na vlak
After countless years, I got into the train
I parni stroj me odveo na jug
And the steam engine took me to the south
Ja se trujem cigaretama i ne mislim na glad
I'm poisoning myself with cigarettes and don't think about food
Jer noćas opet mislim ja na nju
Because tonight I'm thinking about you again
Sa malo sitnih novaca, što sam ponio
With some pocket money, which I carried with me
Da ih tako potrošim usput
To spend it in passing
Ja kupio sam novine sa golim ženama
I bought a newspaper with naked women
Da barem malo ne mislim na nju
So that I don't think about you for a while
I s kim je moja draga noćas zaspala
And with whom my darling fell asleep tonight
I s kim je bila naga kao sa mnom nekada
And with whom she was naked as she once was with me
I dal je nekom drugom djecu rodila
And that some other gave birth to her children
Nekom drugome, tebi, tebi done sličnome
To some other one, like you, like you
O tebi već odavno nisam čuo niti riječ
About you, I haven't heard a word for so long
O tebi nisam čuo niti a
About you, I haven't heard anything
Ak je tvoja ljubav plodom urodila već
If your love has already borne children
Nek se dijete zove kao ja
May the child be named like me
O tebi već odavno nisam čuo niti riječ
About you, I haven't heard a word for so long
O tebi nisam čuo niti a
About you, I haven't heard anything
Ak je tvoja ljubav plodom urodila već
If your love has already borne children
Nek se dijete zove kao ja
May the child be named like me
Nek se dijete zove kao ja
May the child be named like me

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