José Larralde - Temblando - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни José Larralde - Temblando

Linda estaba la tarde en que la vide,
The afternoon was beautiful when I saw her,
El patio de su rancho acomodando
Arranging the yard of his ranch
Y aunque guapo pa′todo me sentía,
And though I felt handsome for everything,
No pude hablarle y me quedé temblando.
I couldn't talk to her and I stood there trembling.
Estaba como nunca la había visto,
She was like I had never seen her before,
Vestido livianito de zaraza,
Wearing a light dress of calico,
Con el pelo volcao sobre los hombros
With her hair flowing over her shoulders
Era una virgen que encontré en la casa.
She was a virgin I found in the house.
Ni ella ni yo, ninguno dijo nada,
Neither she nor I, neither said anything,
Con sus ojazos me siguió quemando,
With her big eyes she kept burning me,
Dejó la escoba que tenía en la mano,
She dropped the broom she had in her hand,
Me quiso hablar y se quedó temblando.
She wanted to speak to me and she stood there trembling.
Era el recuerdo del amor primero,
It was the memory of first love,
Amor nacido en una edad temprana,
A love born at an early age,
Como esas flores rústicas del campo
Like those rustic flowers of the field
Que nacen de la noche a la mañana.
That are born from night to morning.
Amor que está oculto en los adobes
A love that is hidden in the adobe
De su rancho paterno tan sencillo
Of his unpretentious father's ranch
Y en la corteza del ombú del patio
And in the bark of the ombú tree in the yard
Escrito con la punta del cuchillo.
Written with the tip of a knife.
Me di vuelta pisando despacito,
I turned around stepping softly,
Como quien desconfía de una trampa,
Like someone who mistrusts a trap,
Envolviendo recuerdos y emociones
Wrapping memories and emotions
Entre las listas de mi poncho pampa.
Between the stripes of my pampa poncho.
No que me pasó, monté a caballo
I don't know what happened to me, I mounted my horse
Y me fui galopiando a ríenda suelta,
And I galloped away at full speed,
Con todos los recuerdos y emociones
With all the memories and emotions
Que en las listas del poncho saqué envueltas.
That I had wrapped up in the stripes of my poncho.
Linda estaba la tarde en que la vide,
The afternoon was beautiful when I saw her,
El patio de su rancho acomodando.
Arranging the yard of his ranch.
La tarde en que guapo me sentía
The afternoon when I felt handsome
No pude hablarle y me quedé temblando.
I couldn't talk to her and I stood there trembling.

Авторы: Gualberto G Marquez, Alberto Hilarion Acuna

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