Jota - Selena - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Jota - Selena

No quiero gastar mis días imaginando la cima
I don't want to spend my days imagining the top
Ni pensando en algún contrato que tenga mi firma
Not even thinking about some contract that has my signature
Si pegare mi tema tal como la gasolina
If I stick my theme just like gasoline
No voy imaginarme lo que se avecina
I can't imagine what's coming
Mucho talento, pero poca disciplina
A lot of talent, but little discipline
Mis locos eran pura cabina y cantina
My crazies were pure cabin and canteen
Poco a poco el tiempo los reduce o los elimina
Little by little time reduces or eliminates them
Cuidado con quien te rodeas y con quien caminas
Be careful who you surround yourself with and who you walk with
Todo espacio cerrado tiene su esquina
Every enclosed space has its corner
A la mía me dio una oficina
Mine gave me an office.
Pero todos son jefes, tienen bien prendida la cocina
But they're all bosses, they've got the kitchen well turned on
Voy a morir en manos de alguien que me admira
I'm going to die in the hands of someone who admires me
Lo puse Lina, yo siempre tranqui, pero me patina
I put it on Lina, I always calm down, but it skates me
Para que no se me vuelva rutina
So that it doesn't become routine for me
Échale papa al caldo por que con ese peso a nadie inclinas
Throw potato in the broth because with that weight you don't tip anyone
Están comprando lodo de mis ruinas
They're buying mud from my ruins
Poco importa lo que digan
It doesn't matter what they say
El respeto es muy diferente a como te apellidas
Respect is very different from what your last name is
Tatuajes en la piel para no olvidar las heridas
Tattoos on the skin so as not to forget the wounds
Aquí aprendimos a nadar sin salva vidas
Here we learned to swim without saving lives
Con las cosas jodidas, estudios con la velita prendida
With things fucked up, studies with the candle on
De un momento a otro se nos iba
From one moment to the next he was leaving us
Tal vez es mi crianza lo que me inspira y lo que me motiva
Maybe it's my upbringing that inspires me and what motivates me
Porque jamás vi que falto comida ¿QUE CHUCHA FUE?
Because I've never seen that there was a lack of food, what the FUCK was IT?
Causa, aprendí a moverme sin que me marquen
Cause, I learned to move without being marked
Yo descubrí esta mierda estando en casa y me la llevé para el parque
I discovered this shit while at home and I took it to the park
No hay sucios en los socios de mi cartel
There are no dirty in the partners of my poster
Si quieren joder pueden buscarme, pero no marquen
If you want to fuck you can look for me, but don't mark
Si no hay negocio bro no puedo contestarte
If there is no business bro I can't answer you
Es pérdida de tiempo y estoy yendo un poco tarde
It's a waste of time and I'm running a little late
No todos en la vida contamos con algún Plan B
Not everyone in life has a Plan B
Luchare por mi sueño hasta que mi sudor sea sangre
I will fight for my dream until my sweat is blood
Hago fantástico lo simple con un sample
I make the simple fantastic with a sample
Me hago querer, pero te doy razones para odiarme
I make myself wanted, but I give you reasons to hate me
Yo no soy lo que piensas ni lo que de mi otros hablen
I am not what you think or what others say about me
no eres virgen porque amarte Carmen
You are not a virgin because loving you Carmen
Pescadito a la sartén, elijo tu número al asarten
Little fish in the pan, I choose your number to roast
Siento el peso de la envidia tan solo al alzarte
I feel the weight of envy just lifting you up
Cuidado con eso puede que llegue a matarte
Be careful with that it may come to kill you
Adivino tus pasos con mirarte
I guess your steps by looking at you
No desaparezco por más de que los dedos chasques
I don't disappear no matter how much you snap your fingers
Mi Beef esta crudo y quiero verte cuando masques
My Beef is raw and I want to see you when you chew
Estoy esperando a que me lleguen cuanto antes
I am waiting for them to reach me as soon as possible
Hablo de mi tiempo y eh sido buen negociante
I talk about my time and I've been a good negotiator
No eh dormido mucho, pero he soñado bastante
I haven't slept much, but I've been dreaming a lot
No tiran la toalla, pero si cuelgan los guantes
They don't throw in the towel, but if they hang up the gloves
Apunta la placa niggi somos los más wanted
Aim the badge niggi we are the most wanted...
Todos en silencio esperando a que yo les cante
All in silence waiting for me to sing to them

Авторы: Franko González Escudero, Juan José Leyva Serrano, Junior Urquiza Perez, Miguel Angel Pérez Escobedo

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