Jovine - Da Sud a Sud - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Jovine - Da Sud a Sud

Da Sud a Sud
From South to South
Napul, Palerm aggià sta ccà
Naples, Palermo, I'm already here
Rind' o' reggae bom bom stai
In the reggae bom bom you stay there
Stamm a sud
We are in the South
A sud 'e chesta vita
South of this life
A donare cavure addò nun se più campà
To give warmth where you can't live anymore
Arò a vita ti l'ja nvintà
I will invent life for you
Addò nun ce sta fatica
Where there is no fatigue
Disoccupati, sotto occupati
Unemployed, underemployed
Sfruttati, abbandonati
Exploited, abandoned
Emarginati dalla società
Marginalized by society
Con mamma fanno si ma
With mom they make do
Simm'è Napul paisà
We are from Naples, my love
Tenimm vuogl'e sta
We want to be
Cu nu spiniell nmocc
With a paintbrush in hand
Che mani rind"a sacc
With hands in pockets
Che camminamm allegr rind'e vicul 'e chesta città
Walking happily through the alleys of this city
Nuje ci nvintamm ò munn'
We conquer the world
Ma ò munn già sta ccà
But the world is already here
Rind'e p'annà a spasso sola o dal signor, ma
To go for a walk alone or with the mister, but
Rind'e spiranz 'e na famiglia
In the hope of a family
Ca fatica un po truvà
That struggles to find a little bit
Al sud, al sud
In the South, in the South
Al sud 'e chesta vita
In the South of this life
(Ci sta na terra e un va lassata)
(There is a land and one must not leave it)
Al sud, al sud
In the South, in the South
Al sud 'e chesta vita
In the South of this life
(Me fra, cuomu si sta?)
(My brother, how are you?)
Nato nnò Sud
Born in the South
Mmienz"ai viculi n'Paliermu
Among the alleys of Palermo
Cu si sient'all'infìeinnu e cu spirannu ò Patz"etiernu
With those who feel in hell and those hoping for Eternal Peace
Nato al Sud
Born in the South
Ci viru buonu ccà
I see good here
È na fuirtuna ca nascivu nnà terra ra precarietà
It's a fortune that I was born in a land of precariousness
Spinnu ure a casa e sientu a giente ca vucìa
I spend hours at home and hear people shouting
Ccà u tzavagghiu nnù nmmìntamu a facci ra democrazia
Here, we don't forget the face of democracy
Caminu, è musica
I walk, it's music
Stu mircatu c"abbannia
This market that cradles
La riconosco
I recognize it
Sta terra è proprio la mia
This land is truly mine
Ci su i picciuotti
There are the kids
Ca ti salutanu e t'arrispiettanu
That greet you and respect you
E ci su chiddi ca ddivisa ca controllano
And there are those in uniform who control
Ma tu prova a controllare susure
But you try to control the whispers
Quantu calure e quantu surure
How much heat and how much sweat
E quanti sorrisi nnei quairtieri
And how many smiles in the neighborhoods
Oggi com"aìeri stu suli nnì quarìa
Today as yesterday this sun does not set
Pairti ri Napoli e arriva fino 'aVucciria
It starts from Naples and arrives as far as Vucciria
E vivici
And live it
Unna lassari mai
Never leave it
Sta tierra china ri contraddizioni
This land full of contradictions
Sta terra china ri guai
This land full of troubles
E dico, vivici
And I say, live it
Unna lassari mai
Never leave it
Stamu al sud
We are in the South
E stamu buoni ccà
And we are good here
Nato al sud, nnì truovi siempre ccà
Born in the South, you'll always find him here
Stamu al sud
We are in the South
Al sud, al sud
In the South, in the South
Al sud 'e chesta vita
In the South of this life
(Ci sta na terra e un va lassata)
(There is a land and one must not leave it)
Al sud, al sud
In the South, in the South
Al sud 'e chesta vita
In the South of this life
(Ci sta na terra e un va lassata mai)
(There is a land and one must never leave it)
Al sud, al sud
In the South, in the South
Al sud 'e chesta vita
In the South of this life
(Ccà si rispira aria sfruttuta)
(Here you breathe exploited air)
Al sud, al sud
In the South, in the South
Al sud 'e chesta vita
In the South of this life
(Ma i picciriddi iuocanu siempri mmienzu a na strata)
(But the kids always play in the middle of the street)
Ro sud, nuje simm' ro sud
The South, we are the South
Nuje simme curt' e nir'
We are short and black
Nuje simme ro sud
We are the South
Sud, nuatzi ru Sud
South, we are the South
Manciamu pani a'ssulu e nnì viviemu u mare p"addìggiriri al sud
We eat only bread and we live by the sea to cool off in the South
Il sud, nuje simme ro sud
The South, we are the South
Nuje simme clandestin'
We are clandestine
Nuje simme ro sud
We are the South
E tu vien'ì ddà ffùora e pare bellu u sud
And you come from out there and the South seems beautiful
C'è un cavuru ca nnò cuntiniente su 'nsuonnanu ò Sud
There's a heat that in the continent they dream of the South
Mafia, camorra, 'ndrangheta e Sacra Corona Unita
Mafia, Camorra, 'Ndrangheta and Sacra Corona Unita
Non è solo questo il Sud
This is not the only South
Anche se si fa malavita
Even if you do wrong
Fa resistere le mie radici nnà stu fangu
It makes my roots resist in this mud
Amo il Sud
I love the South
A Sud c'è u me sangu!
In the South there is my blood!
Stamm' al Sud
We are in the South
Al Sud 'e chesta vita
In the South of this life
A donare cavure addò nun se più campà
To give warmth where you can't live anymore
Arò a vita ti l'ja nvintà
I will invent life for you
Addò nun ce sta fatica
Where there is no fatigue
Sta terra è granne pi tutti quanti
This land is big enough for everyone
Pi tutta a giente e puru pi frati miei
For all the people and even for my brothers
Pi cu unn'ave niente
For those who have nothing
Ò Sud u pane su futte cu unn'ave rienti
In the South bread is kneaded by those who have nothing
E cu l'ave cuore sta terra bella
And whoever has a heart loves this beautiful land
E ramuci amuri fra tantu ruluri
And we give love between so many rumbles
E ramuci amuri fra tantu sururi
And we give love between so many sweats
Ramuci amuri
We give love
Al sud, al sud
In the South, in the South
Al sud 'e chesta vita
In the South of this life
(Ci sta na terra e un va lassata)
(There is a land and one must not leave it)
Al sud, al sud
In the South, in the South
Al sud 'e chesta vita
In the South of this life
(Ci sta na terra e un va lassata mai)
(There is a land and one must never leave it)
Al sud, al sud
In the South, in the South
Al sud 'e chesta vita
In the South of this life
(Ccà si rispira aria sfruttuta)
(Here you breathe exploited air)
Al sud, al sud
In the South, in the South
Al sud 'e chesta vita
In the South of this life
(Ma i picciriddi iuocanu siempri mmienzu a na strata)
(But the kids always play in the middle of the street)

Авторы: Valerio Jovine

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