Juan D'Arienzo feat. Jorge Valdez - Adiós Chantecler - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Juan D'Arienzo feat. Jorge Valdez - Adiós Chantecler

Adiós Chantecler
Farewell, Chantecler
Te redujo a escombros la fría piqueta
The cold pickaxe has reduced you to rubble
Y, al pasar de noche mirando tus ruinas,
And, as I pass by at night looking at your ruins,
Este milonguero se siente poeta
This milonguero feels like a poet
Y a un tango muy triste le pone sordina.
And puts a mute on a very sad tango.
Entre aquellas rojas cortinas de pana,
In between those red velvet curtains,
De tus palcos altos que ahora no están,
Of your tall boxes that are now gone,
Se asomaba siempre madama Ricana
Madam Ricana would always appear,
Cubierta de alhajas, bebiendo champán.
Covered in jewels, drinking champagne.
Entre risas alegres y chistes,
Amongst happy laughter and jests,
Siempre estaba apenada René,
Renée was always sad,
Y de verla tan linda y tan triste
And it was for seeing her so beautiful and so sad
Fue por eso que me enamoré.
That I fell in love.
Hoy ni ella está más en la sala,
Today, she is no longer in the hall,
Ni tampoco entro yo al cabaret,
Nor do I enter the cabaret,
Se vinieron abajo tus galas
Your finery has come crashing down
Bullanguero y cordial Chantecler.
Boisterous and cozy Chantecler.
En la noches bravas que el tango era un rito,
On wild nights when the tango was a ritual,
Vibraba la sala con ritmo nervioso,
The hall would vibrate with a nervous rhythm,
Porque en ese entonces estaba Juancito
Because back then Juancito [D'Arienzo] was there,
Tallando en su orquesta su estilo famoso.
Carving out his famous style in his orchestra.
Ya no queda nada y aquello no existe,
Nothing remains now and that no longer exists,
Ni tus bailarines ni tu varieté.
Not your dancers nor your variety show.
Te veo muy triste pasar silencioso,
I see you pass by very sadly, silent,
Príncipe Cubano, frente al Chantecler.
Cuban Prince, in front of the Chantecler.

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