Judit Neddermann - Avi - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Judit Neddermann - Avi

Digue'm on vas
Tell me where you are
Balla al ritme del meu compàs
Dance to the rhythm of my compass
Diu la dita que tot el que fas tornarà
The saying goes that everything you do will come back
Dolços records
Sweet memories
M'acompanyen cada moment
They accompany me every moment
Sóc un mal poeta però la veu és amb mi
I'm a bad poet but the voice is with me
Quan acabi tot te n'enriuràs
When it's over you'll laugh about it
Hem conegut la sort i la derrota
We've known luck and defeat
Hem fet cançons d'amor amb quatre notes
We've made love songs with four notes
Ens hem sentit tant forts i tant idiotes
We have felt so strong and so foolish
Hem superat moments insuperables
We have overcome insurmountable moments
Hem estimat moments inestimables
We have cherished priceless moments
No hi ha res impossible per nosaltres
Nothing is impossible for us
Vesteix-te elegant
Dress elegantly
Vull que et sentis molt especial
I want you to feel very special
Sortirem de festa i aquesta nit
We'll go out to party and tonight
You will shine
Avui sóc aquí
Today I am here
L'endemà no si vindrà
Tomorrow I don't know if I'll come
Sóc un nou profeta dins un mar per a explorar
I am a new prophet in a sea to explore
Quan acabi tot ens enriurem
When it's over, we'll laugh
Hem conegut la sort i la derrota
We've known luck and defeat
Hem fet cançons d'amor amb quatre notes
We've made love songs with four notes
Ens hem sentit tant forts i tant idiotes
We have felt so strong and so foolish
Hem superat moments insuperables
We have overcome insurmountable moments
Hem estimat moments inestimables
We have cherished priceless moments
No hi ha res impossible per nosaltres
Nothing is impossible for us
La felicitat és un instant tant breu
Happiness is such a brief moment
Tan dolç i ple de foc
So sweet and full of fire
És un moment d'amor
It is a moment of love
No ens ho poden prendre tot
They can't take everything from us
Tindrem una maleta plena de records
We will have a suitcase full of memories
Acompanyant-nos cada estiu
Accompanying us every summer
De port en port
From port to port
Potser podríem haver-ho fet millor
Maybe we could have done better
Hem conegut la sort i la derrota
We've known luck and defeat
Hem fet cançons d'amor amb quatre notes
We've made love songs with four notes
Ens hem sentit tant forts i tant idiotes
We have felt so strong and so foolish
Hem superat moments insuperables
We have overcome insurmountable moments
Hem estimat moments inestimables
We have cherished priceless moments
No hi ha res impossible per nosaltres
Nothing is impossible for us

Авторы: Judit Neddermann

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