Judit Neddermann - Jo joglar - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Judit Neddermann - Jo joglar

Jo joglar
He vist volar un estel, però no si volava
I have seen a star fly, but I don't know if it was flying
He vist paraules córrer a perdre's
I have seen words run off to get lost
He vist guerrejar persones que s'amen
I have seen people who love each other warring
He vist plorar el gessamí
I have seen the jasmine plant weep
I he vist tants rostres encerats que he tingut por
And I have seen so many waxed faces that I have been afraid
I he vist la por als teus ulls
And I have seen the fear in your eyes
Però també he vist volar un estel
But I have also seen a star fly
I a tu t'he sentit cantar
And I have heard you sing
I he vist tantes portes obertes on ningú s'hi atreveix a entrar!
And I have seen so many open doors that no one dares to enter!
He advertit la contrastada semblança que ens apropa a mi i a l'ametller
I have noted the contrasting similarity that brings me and the almond tree closer together
He vist la soledat tan ben envoltada...
I have seen loneliness so well surrounded...
I he vist camins plens de fruits, joiosos de llum
And I have seen paths full of fruits, joyful of light
I les seves gents caminant-hi a les palpentes
And their people walking in them by feel
Però també he vist volar un estel
But I have also seen a star fly
I he vist la rojor d'un petó i la placidesa en un enyor, ben sabut
And I have seen the blush of a kiss and the placidity in a known yearning
Si jo fos joglar cantaria poesies als quatre vents
If I were a journeyman, I would sing poetry to the four winds
Contant tot el que he vist, incopsable
Telling all that I have seen, unfathomable
Si jo fos joglar cantaria poesies als quatre vents
If I were a journeyman, I would sing poetry to the four winds
Contant que també he vist volar un estel
Telling that I have also seen a star fly
I a tu t'he sentit cantar
And I have heard you sing
I he vist tantes portes obertes on ningú s'hi atreveix a entrar!
And I have seen so many open doors that no one dares to enter!

Авторы: Judit Neddermann

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