Judit Neddermann - Voldria que fossis aquí - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Judit Neddermann - Voldria que fossis aquí

Voldria que fossis aquí
My Dear
Ara ja ets allà
You're there now
No et vaig avisar
I didn't let you know
Et vas oblidar aquell mocador amb la teva olor
You forgot that scarf with your scent
Quan arriba l'enyor
When longing comes
M'abriga dia i nit
It warms me day and night
És la part de tu que es queda amb mi mentre estàs lluny
It's the part of you that stays with me while you're away
Ja que la vida és així
I know that life is like this
I que tothom fa el seu camí
And I know that everyone follows their own path
També que sempre hi ha canvis
I also know that there are always changes
Però a vegades voldria que fossis aquí
But sometimes I wish you were here
Boston, quina sort
Boston, how lucky
S'omple dels acords
It's filled with chords
Neixen de les mans, creixen inquiets, volen pel món
They're born from hands, they grow restless, they fly around the world
Saps que a mi m'arriben?
Do you know that they reach me?
I els he volgut escriure
And I wanted to write them down
Per poder cantar-te aquesta melodia
So that I could sing you this melody
Ja que la vida és així
I know that life is like this
I que tothom fa el seu camí
And I know that everyone follows their own path
També que sempre hi ha canvis
I also know that there are always changes
Però a vegades voldria que fossis aquí
But sometimes I wish you were here
Ja que la vida és així
I know that life is like this
I que tothom fa el seu camí
And I know that everyone follows their own path
També que sempre hi ha canvis
I also know that there are always changes
Però a vegades voldria que fossis aquí
But sometimes I wish you were here
Voldria que fossis aquí
I wish you were here
Voldria que fossis aquí
I wish you were here
Voldria que fossis aquí
I wish you were here
Voldria que fossis
I wish you were
Voldria que fossis
I wish you were
Voldria que fossis
I wish you were
Voldria que fossis aquí
I wish you were here
Voldria, voldria que fossis aquí
I wish, I wish you were here
Voldria que fossis aquí
I wish you were here
Voldria que fossis aquí
I wish you were here

Авторы: Judit Neddermann Vinaixa

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