Judy Garland - Dear Mr Gable - You Made Me Love You - перевод текста песни на французский

Текст и перевод песни Judy Garland - Dear Mr Gable - You Made Me Love You

Dear Mr Gable - You Made Me Love You
Cher Monsieur Gable - Tu m'as fait t'aimer
Dear Mr. Gable, I am writing this to you,
Cher Monsieur Gable, je vous écris cette lettre,
And I hope that you will read it so you'll know,
Et j'espère que vous la lirez pour que vous sachiez,
My heart beats like a hammer,
Mon cœur bat comme un marteau,
And I stutter and I stammer,
Et je bégaye et je bafouille,
Every time I see you at the picture show.
Chaque fois que je vous vois au cinéma.
I guess I'm just another fan of yours,
Je suppose que je ne suis qu'une autre de vos fans,
And I thought I'd write,
Et j'ai pensé que j'écrirais,
And tell you so.
Et vous le dirais.
You made me love you,
Tu m'as fait t'aimer,
I didn't wanna do it, I didn't wanna do it,
Je ne voulais pas le faire, je ne voulais pas le faire,
You made me love you!
Tu m'as fait t'aimer !
And all the time you knew it, I guess you always knew it.
Et tout le temps, tu le savais, je suppose que tu l'as toujours su.
You made me happy, sometimes, you made me glad.
Tu m'as rendue heureuse, parfois, tu m'as réjouie.
But there were times, sir,
Mais il y a eu des moments, monsieur,
You made me feel so sad.
Tu m'as rendue si triste.
You made me sigh 'cause,
Tu m'as fait soupirer parce que,
I didn't wanna tell you, I didn't wanna tell you,
Je ne voulais pas te le dire, je ne voulais pas te le dire,
I think you're grand!
Je pense que tu es formidable !
That's true, yes I do, 'deed I do, you know I do.
C'est vrai, oui, je le fais, en effet, je le fais, tu sais que je le fais.
I must tell you what I'm feeling,
Je dois te dire ce que je ressens,
The very mention of your name
La seule mention de ton nom
Sends my heart reeling,
Fait tourner mon cœur,
You know you made me love you.
Tu sais que tu m'as fait t'aimer.
Aw gee Mr. Gable, I don't wanna bother ya, I guess you got a lot of girls who
Oh, mon Dieu, monsieur Gable, je ne veux pas vous déranger, je suppose que vous avez beaucoup de filles qui
Tell you the same thing. And if you don't wanna read this, well, you don't have
Vous disent la même chose. Et si vous ne voulez pas lire ça, eh bien, vous n'êtes pas obligé
To... But I just had to tell you about the time I saw you in "It Happened One
De... Mais je devais te dire ce que j'ai ressenti lorsque je t'ai vu dans "Il était une fois",
Night"... That was the first time I ever saw you. And I knew right then that
C'était la première fois que je te voyais. Et j'ai su tout de suite que
You were the nicest fella in the movies! I guess it was 'cause you acted so...
Tu étais le type le plus gentil du cinéma ! Je suppose que c'était parce que tu jouais si...
Well. so natural like! Not like a real actor at all but just like any fella
Eh bien. Si naturellement ! Pas du tout comme un vrai acteur, mais comme n'importe quel type
You'd meet at school or at a party. Then one time I saw you in a picture with
Que tu rencontrerais à l'école ou à une fête. Puis une fois, je t'ai vu dans un film avec
Joan Crawford... and I had to cry a little. 'Cause you loved her so much! And
Joan Crawford... et j'ai pleurer un peu. Parce que tu l'aimais tellement ! Et
You couldn't have her! ...Well, not 'till the end of the picture, anyway. The
Tu ne pouvais pas l'avoir ! ... Enfin, pas jusqu'à la fin du film, de toute façon. La
One time I saw you in person! You were going to the Coconut Grove one night and
Une fois, je t'ai vu en personne ! Tu allais au Coconut Grove un soir et
I was standing there when you got out of your car and you almost knocked me
J'étais quand tu es sorti de ta voiture et tu as failli me faire tomber
Down! Oh, but it wasn't your fault! Na, I was in the way... But you looked at
Par terre ! Oh, mais ce n'était pas de ta faute ! Non, j'étais sur ton passage... Mais tu as regardé
Me, and you smiled. Yeah! You smiled right at me as if you meant it! And I
Vers moi, et tu as souri. Oui ! Tu as souri droit dans mes yeux comme si tu le pensais ! Et j'ai
Cryed all the way home just 'cause you smiled at me for being in your way. Oh
Pleuré tout le chemin du retour juste parce que tu m'as souri pour être sur ton passage. Oh
I'll never forget it Mr. Gable. honest injun, your my favorite actor.
Je n'oublierai jamais ça, monsieur Gable, c'est vrai, tu es mon acteur préféré.
I don't care what happens,
Je m'en fiche de ce qui arrive,
Let the whole world stop,
Que le monde entier s'arrête,
As far as I'm concerned you'll always be the top!
En ce qui me concerne, tu seras toujours au top !
'Cause you know you made me love you!
Parce que tu sais que tu m'as fait t'aimer !

Авторы: Roger Edens

1 A Pretty Girl Milking Her Cow
2 I'm Just Wild About Harry
3 The Star of the East
4 F.D.R. Jones
5 (Can This Be) The End of the Rainbow?
6 Swing, Mister Charlie
7 Buds Won't Bud
8 Sleep My Baby Sleep
9 Stompin' at the Savoy
10 Cry, Baby, Cry
11 In Between
12 Dear Mr Gable - You Made Me Love You
13 Smilin'through
14 If I Had You (with The Merry Macs)
15 It's a Great Big World (with Virginia O'Brien and Betty Russell)
16 I Got Rhythm
17 This Heart Of Mine - Alternate Take
18 If I Had You (with The Merry Macs, alternate take)
19 I'm Always Chasing Rainbows - Alternate Take
20 Blues in the Night (alternate Take)
21 Falling in Love With Love
22 I Wish I Were In Love Again
23 There Is No Breeze (To Cool The Flame Of Love)
24 Love
25 Figaro
26 Oceans Apart
27 Fascinating Rhythm
28 Sweet Sixteen
29 The Jitterbug
30 Ten Pins In The Sky
31 It Never Rains, But What It Pours
32 You Can't Have Ev'rything
33 Everybody Sing
34 Embracable You
35 When You Wore a Tulip (And I Wore a Big Red Rose) (with Gene Kelly)
36 Swanee
37 This Heart Of Mine
38 A Journey To A Star
39 I Never Knew
40 That Old Black Magic
41 Poor Little Rich Girl
42 Poor You
43 The Birthday of a King
44 Our Love Affair
45 Friendship
46 Wearing Of The Green
47 On the Atchison, Topeka and the Santa Fe (with The Merry Macs)
48 Yah Ta Ta, Yah Ta Ta (Talk, Talk, Talk) [With Bing Crosby]
49 Connecticut (With Bing Crosby)
50 Mine (With Bing Crosby)
51 You've Got Me Where You Want Me (with Bing Crosby)
52 March of the Doagies (with Kenny Baker and Kay Thompson)
53 Swing Your Partner Round and Round (with the Kay Thompson Chorus)
54 On the Atchison, Topeka and the Santa Fe (complete original version)
55 In The Valley (Where The Evening Sun Goes Down)
56 Bidin' My Time (with Leo Diamond Harmonica Quintet)
57 Could You Use Me? (with Mickey Rooney)
58 For You, For Me, Forevermore (with Dick Haymes)
59 Yah-Ta-Ta, Yah-Ta-Ta (Talk, Talk, Talk) (with Bing Crosby, alt. take)
60 Don't Tell Me That Story - Alternate Take
61 Connecticut (with Bing Crosby, alternate take)
62 Embraceable You - Alternate Take
63 I Got Rhythm - Alternate Take
64 Nothing But You
65 Don't Tell Me That Story
66 Aren't You Kinda Glad We Did? (with Dick Haymes)
67 I Wish I Were in Love Again (alternate take)
68 Embraceable You (with male quintet)
69 The Last Call For Love

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