Juice - Gledas me (feat. Kaya) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Juice - Gledas me (feat. Kaya)

Gledas me (feat. Kaya)
Look at me (feat. Kaya)
Kada kružim po gradu pumpaju vuferi
When I'm cruising through the city, pumping my woofers
Nafuram cvikere i puls snajper uperim
I turn off my headlights and aim my sniper up high
Na kukove, guze, na noge i frizure
At the buns, boobs, legs, and hairdos
Na naše lepe fine beogradske cure
Of our beautiful, fine Belgrade girls
Sedam hiljada u leru, daje im do znanja
Seven thousand in my Benz, letting them know
Da sam uzbuđen k'o bik,dobitna je desna strana
That I'm horny as a bull, the right side is the lucky one
Spustim prozor pitam ih da se upoznamo
I roll down my window, ask them to meet me
Nemam šta da radim 'oćemo da se vozamo
I've got nothing to do, let's go for a ride
Da svratimo na piće ili idemo šetnju
Let's stop for a drink or go for a walk
Sa maloletnom u šteku uvek sretnem interventnu
With a minor in the passenger seat, I always meet the intervention unit
Imam samo jedan problem sve znaju da sam Đus
I only have one problem, everyone knows I'm Juice
Neki me se plaše, a kod nekih je to plus
Some are scared of me, but for some it's a plus
Čim me čuješ ja te vidim, kriješ pogled preko ramena
As soon as you hear me, I see you, hiding your eyes over your shoulder
Dečko ti je možda šmeker, ali došla bi ti zamena
Your boyfriend may be a hotshot, but you'd like a replacement
Neke vole da za njima ideš kao kuče
Some like you to follow them like a dog
Ali ja volim ove što vole jedu dok je vruće
But I like the ones who like to eat it while it's hot
Gledaš me, priđi i zavedi me
Look at me, come on seduce me
Šta čekaš, do stana dovedi me
What are you waiting for, lead me to your apartment
Tu sam na žurci, snimi me sa ekipom
I'm here at the party, take a picture of me with the crew
Sve su s nekim pajserom, isfoliranim tipom
They're all with some rich guy, a guy with exfoliated skin
Ha nikad ne krijem šta osećam, uvek sam iskren
Ha, I never hide what I feel, I'm always honest
Neke ribe to izvale i s njima sam vispren
Some fish fall for it and I'm high with them
Ne trebam da budem pismen da bi čit'o pogleda
I don't need to be literate to read your looks
Izvaljujem zmije koje bi srce da mi povrede
I expose snakes who want to hurt my heart
Imaš tako jako dupe, k'o na eksu stiskam zube
You have such a nice ass, I'm clenching my teeth like I'm on ecstasy
Šta će mi ove što 'oće da se ljube
What do I want with these girls who want to make out?
Kakve su to majce fensi kreacije
What kind of mothers are these, fancy creations
Svesna si svega izazivaš ejakulacije
You're aware of everything, you're provoking ejaculations
'Oćeš da đuskamo da se štipamo
You want us to make out, to pinch each other
Ili da sedimo u mraku da se pipamo
Or to sit in the dark and feel each other up
Drugarice su ti ljubomorne jer privlačim pažnju
Your girlfriends are jealous because I attract attention
Svakog dana čujem priču da su bile sa mnom–lažu
Every day I hear stories that they've been with me—they're lying
Imamo još vremena noć je pred nama
We still have time, the night is ahead of us
Ako znaš šta želiš priđi mi sama, bijač
If you know what you want, come to me yourself, bitch
Gledaš me, priđi i zavedi me
Look at me, come on seduce me
Šta čekaš, do stana dovedi me
What are you waiting for, lead me to your apartment
Gledam te očima te navodim
I'm looking at you with my eyes, I'm turning you on
Vidiš me, nemam šta ja tebe da zavodim
You see me, I have nothing to seduce you with
Skini gaćice oboje smo odrasli
Take off your panties, we're both adults
Nemoj da me smaraš jer ću da zaspim
Don't tease me, because I'll fall asleep
Ja na tebi ti na meni
Me on you, you on me
Doggy style sad se okreni
Doggy style, now turn around
Skroz se oslobodi, neću da te zenim
Let go completely, I don't want to marry you
Ja sam Đus bejbi pimpin' čula si o meni
I'm Juice baby, pimpin', you've heard of me
Ponašam se kao pravi džentlmen prema ženi
I behave like a real gentleman to women
Igraj kao cvet koji vetar nosi
Dance like a flower carried by the wind
Tvoje grudi mirišu kao palmini kokosi
Your breasts smell like palm coconuts
Ja imam đus bejbe daj mi tu macu
I have the juice baby, give me that pussy
Nosim kapuljaču da mi ne vide facu
I wear a cap so they don't see my face
Jer sutra ide priča da sam bio kod tebe
Because tomorrowthere'll be a story that I was at your place
A i nije da nisam s vremena na vreme
And it's not that I'm not there from time to time
Baš me briga to što pričaju neka
I don't care what anyone says
Ja te nisam startovao ti si sama meni rekla
I didn't call you, you told me yourself
Gledaš me, priđi i zavedi me
Look at me, come on seduce me
Šta čekaš, do stana dovedi me
What are you waiting for, lead me to your apartment

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