Julie Fowlis - Ho bha mi, he bha mi (Ho I Was, He I Was) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Julie Fowlis - Ho bha mi, he bha mi (Ho I Was, He I Was)

Ho bha mi, he bha mi (Ho I Was, He I Was)
Ho bha mi, he bha mi (Ho I Was, He I Was)
bha mi, bha mi
Ho I was, he I was
O bha mar rithe
I was there along with you
Ged a bha mi mar tha mi
Though I was as I am
Bha mo làmh air a' nighinn.
My arm was around the girl.
Bha 'n 's e sìor dhranndan
The hound was whining constantly
As a' cheann sa robh 'n nighean
And away in front was the girl
Bha mise gam chrùbadh
Whom I was wooing
Sa chùil san robh 'n t-snighe.
In the corner where the snipe was.
Thuirt am bodach 's e 'g èirigh
The old man said as he rose
As a lèine na shuidhe;
And from his seat stood;
"Cò tha còmhl' riut, a Sheònaid?
"Who is it keeping company with you, Janet?
A bheil thu 'd ònrachd a' bruidhinn?"
Are you talking of your honor?"
'S làbhair Seònaid ghrinn uasal
And Janet spoke with a gracious smile
Air uachdar a cridhe
From the heart of her heart
"Barail leam gur e bruadar
"I think it was a dream
A ghluais sibh nur dithis."
That moved the two of you."

Авторы: traditional

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