Juliet - ジモト - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Juliet - ジモト

改札を抜けると 懐かしい風景
Exiting the ticket gate, I see a familiar landscape,
【いつもの】ファミレスは 背の高いビルになった。
The 【usual】 family restaurant has turned into a tall building.
【ずっと一緒】じゃ知れなかった事。 ココにしかない安心。
There were things I didn't know because we were 【always together】. There's a sense of security that can only be found here.
この街で生まれて この街で出会って
I was born in this town, and it's where I met you.
この街と別れて 夢を追いかけた。
I left this town and chased after my dreams.
あの日と同じ場所で 手を振って 待っていたキミが居た。
In the same place as that day, you were there, waving at me.
久しぶりに会った 懐かしい笑顔は
Your nostalgic smile when we met again,
昔のあだ名でアタシ 呼びながら笑った。
You called me by my old nickname and laughed.
『変わらないで』って言ってたキミの 目にアタシはどう映ってる?
You said, 'don't change,' but how do I look in your eyes?
この街で生まれて この街で出会って
I was born in this town, and it's where I met you.
この街と別れて 夢を追いかけた。
I left this town and chased after my dreams.
I kept telling myself "I'm not lonely" as I walked.
みんなで見た流れ星 いつまでも忘れない
The shooting star we all saw, I'll never forget it.
あの夜願った夢 今もまだここにあるよ
The dream I wished for that night is still here.
『あの2人がくっついた! 他にも話したいから、
'Those two are together! I have other things to talk about,
たまには息抜きしに帰っておいで。 ここでみんなで待ってるから。』
so come back to visit when you need a break. We'll be waiting for you here.'
キミがくれる電話 キミがくれるメール
The phone calls and emails you give me,
変わらない冗談 支えられてたよ。
Your jokes never change, and they've been my support.
会いたくなったから 帰ってきた。 やっぱ1番...
I came back because I wanted to see you. You're still the best...
この街で生まれて この街で出会って
I was born in this town, and it's where I met you.
この街で過ごした 大切な場所。
This town is a precious place where I spent my life.
見た目は変わってもずっと同じ。 ここがアタシのスタート。
It looks different, but it's still the same. This is where I started.
気を使わないでいい アタシのままでいい
I don't have to pretend, I can just be myself.
I'm comfortable with the way you tease me.
誰んちで飲み会? ジャンケンで買い出し
Whose house are we having the party at? Let's play rock-paper-scissors to decide who buys groceries.
朝まで話したい 地元話しようよ。
I want to talk to you until the morning, let's talk about our hometown.

Авторы: The Company, Maiko, maiko, the company

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