Julio Sosa - Dios Te Salve M'Hijo - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Julio Sosa - Dios Te Salve M'Hijo

Dios Te Salve M'Hijo
Dios Te Salve M'Hijo
El pueblito estaba lleno de personas forasteras,
The little town was full of foreigners,
Los caudillos desplegaban lo más rudo de su acción
The chieftains displayed the rudest of their actions,
Arengando a los paisanos a ganar las elecciones
Haranguing the countrymen to win the elections,
Por la plate, por la tumba, por el voto o el facon.
By the bullet, by the tomb, by the vote, or by the knife.
Y al instante que cruzaban desfilando los contrarios
And the moment they crossed the parade of the opponents,
Un paisano grito: "viva!", y al caudillo menciono...
A countryman shouted "viva!", and mentioned the chieftain...
Y los otros respondieron sepultando sus puñales
And the others responded by burying their daggers
En el cuerpo valeroso del paisano que grito.
In the courageous body of the countryman who shouted.
Un viejito lentamente se quito el sombrero negro,
An old man slowly took off his black hat,
Estiro las piernas tibias del paisano que cayo,
He stretched out the warm legs of the countryman who fell,
Lo beso con toda su alma, puso un cristo entre sus dedos
He kissed him with all his soul, put a Christ between his fingers,
Y goteando lagrimones entre dientes murmuro:
And with dripping tears between his teeth he murmured:
"Pobre m′hijo, quien diria que por noble y por valiente
"Poor m′son, who would have thought that for being noble and brave
Pagarla con su vida el sosten de una opinion!
He would pay with his life for upholding an opinion!
Por no hacerme case, m'hijo, se lo diie tantas veces
For not listening to me, my son, I told you so many times:
No haga juicio a los discursos del dotor ni del patron.
Don't pay attention to the speeches of the doctor or the boss.
Hace frio? Yerdad, m′hijo? ya se esta poniendo oscuro.
Is it cold? Right, m′son? It's getting dark.
Tapese con este poncho y pa'siempre yevelo.
Cover yourself with this poncho and keep it forever.
Es el mismo poncho pampa que en su cuna cuando chico
It's the same pampa poncho that in his cradle when he was a child
Muchas veces, hijo mio... Muchas veces lo tapo.
Many times, my son, many times I covered him with it.
Yo vi'a d′ir al campo santo, y a la par de su aguelita,
I'll go to the cemetery, and next to his grandmother,
Con mi daga y con mis uñas una fosa voy a abrir".
With my dagger and my nails I'll dig a grave".
Y a su pobre madrecita. Y a su pobre madrecita
And to his poor mother, and to his poor mother
Le diré que usted se ha ido y que pronto va a venir
I'll tell him that you're gone and that you'll soon come back,
A las doce de la noche llego el viejo a su ranchito
At midnight the old man arrived at his cottage,
Y con mucho disimulo a la vieja acaricio
And with much dissimulation he caressed the old woman,
Y le dijo tiemamente: "su cachorro se ha ido lejos,
And said to her tenderly: "her puppy has gone far away,
Se arreglo con una tropa, le di el poncho y me beso.
He joined a troop, I gave him the poncho and he kissed me.
Y ahuira, vieja, por las dudas, como el viaje es algo largo
And now, old woman, just in case, as the trip is somewhat long
Prendale unas cuantas velas, por si acaso, nada mas.
Light a few candles, just in case, no more.
Arrodiyese y le reza, pa′que dios no lo abandone...
Kneel down and pray, so that God will not abandon him...
Y suplique por las almas que precisan luz y paz"
And pray for the souls that need light and peace"

Авторы: agustin magaldi, pedro noda

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