Justin Case - Nestojí mi - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Justin Case - Nestojí mi

Nestojí mi
It's Not Working for Me
It's not working
Mi nestojí babe
It's not working babe
Nestojí mi za to
It's not worth it for me
S tebou bejt
To be with you
It's not working
Mi nestojí babe
It's not working babe
Nestojí mi za to
It's not worth it for me
S tebou bejt
To be with you
Zkoušíš svoje triky triky
You are trying your tricks tricks
To si nech pro svý dicky
You can keep that for your dicky
teď nemám mood
I don't have the mood now
Chytit HIV tak díky
Catch HIV so thank you
Snaž se nenakazit všechny v nebi
Try not to infect everyone in heaven
Dal ti každej druhej debil
Every other moron gave it to you
Za trochu levný vomítky
For some cheap vomit
Ha ha tohle je sranda
Ha ha this is funny
V píči mít píču a track o zandat
To have the pussy and a track about it
Je hoe hoe dokud seš Santa
You're a hoe hoe until you're Santa
Nahoře voní a dole jak candát
It smells good above and like a flounder below
Ha ha neber vážně
Ha ha don't take me seriously
Tenhle ten lovesong zločin z vášně
This love song here crime of passion
Dole mi to funguje fakt skoro krásně
That's almost perfect for me down there
Dělám si prdel znáš
I'm kidding, you know me
It's not working
Mi nestojí babe
It's not working babe
Nestojí mi za to
It's not worth it for me
S tebou bejt
To be with you
It's not working
Mi nestojí babe
It's not working babe
Nestojí mi za to
It's not worth it for me
S tebou bejt
To be with you
A ta kurva měla všechny
And that bitch had all of them
Kromě sou to fakt běhny
Except me they are really dumb
Neuklidí nesnaží se
They don't clean they don't try
Píča tupá mi neudělá řízek
That stupid pussy doesn't make me a schnitzel
A ta kurva je fakt zmije
And that bitch is really a snake
Překvapí vás chlamydie
Chlamydia will surprise you
Furt jen hulí šňupe pije
She always smokes snorts drinks
Jako ale to nezabije
Like me but it doesn't kill me
Pojď pojď pojď pojď
Come on come on come on come on
Pojď pojď
Come on come on
Nestojí mi
It's not working for me
Nestojí mi
It's not working for me
Nestojí mi
It's not working for me
Za to s tebou bejt
To be with you
It's not working
Mi nestojí babe
It's not working babe
Nestojí mi za to
It's not worth it for me
S tebou bejt
To be with you
It's not working
Mi nestojí babe
It's not working babe
Nestojí mi za to
It's not worth it for me
S tebou bejt
To be with you

Авторы: Vudoo

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