Juzzthin - Isi Puisi (Featuring Nabil Zamanhuri & G) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Juzzthin - Isi Puisi (Featuring Nabil Zamanhuri & G)

Isi Puisi (Featuring Nabil Zamanhuri & G)
The Content of Poetry (Featuring Nabil Zamanhuri & G)
Bagai Hidupku
Like my life,
Menghargai Apa Yang Kau Berikan
Appreciating what you give,
Ku Perlu Kamu Sentiasa Denganku
I always need you with me,
Tanpa Hiduku
Without you, my life,
Bagai Diriku Terbang Di Awan
Like me flying in the clouds,
Ku Bicarakan Isi Puisi Kau Dan Aku
I talk about the contents of your and my poem,
Mungkin Ini Satu Lagi Lagu Cinta
Maybe this is another love song,
Yang Kamu Suka Dan Selalu Cinta
That you like and always love,
Aku Berhajat Nak Memberi
I aspire to give,
Satu Barangan
Cerita Dulu Masih Boleh
The story is still possible,
Ku Gambarkan
I describe,
Ingat Pahit Saat Saat Manis
Remember the bitter and sweet moments,
Kejari Harapan Romantis
Grasp for romantic hopes,
Sampai Di Francias Kita Berpindah
Moving to France,
Langit Biru Di Menara Indah
Blue sky in the beautiful tower,
Kau Singgah Lihat Senyum
You stop by to see your smile,
Berdebar Hati Berdegup Bergentum
My heart beats very fast,
Betul Memang Aku Memang
Really, I do,
Gemar Berangan
Love to daydream,
Macam Ni Moden Pernah
It's like modern,
Kau Ucapkan
You say,
Terima Kasih Kerna Kau
Thank you for you,
Ku Bertahan
I survive,
Isi Pu Kau Ku Perlukan
I need the contents of your poem,
Perjalanan Kita
Our journey,
Masih Nampak Lurus
Still looks right,
Bagai Jam Tanggan Mahal
Like an expensive watch,
Kita Tak Boleh Putus
We can't break up,
Bagai Hidupku
Like my life,
Menghargai Apa Yang Kau Berikan
Appreciating what you give,
Ku Perlu Kamu Sentiasa Denganku
I always need you with me,
Tanpa Hiduku
Without you, my life,
Bagai Diriku Terbang Di Awan
Like me flying in the clouds,
Ku Bicarakan Isi Puisi Kau Dan Aku
I talk about the contents of your and my poem,
Kemerahan Hati Ini
The redness of this heart,
Memang Sukar Di Bayang
It's hard to imagine,
Bagai Diawangan Jauh Terbang
Like flying far into the sky,
Hidup Gelapku Kita Tidak Terang
Our dark life is not bright,
Hati Ini Mula Diserah Kasih Sayang
This heart begins to surrender to love,
Fon ku Yang Ia Kini Berbunyi
My phone is now ringing,
Tak Henti Henti Memecahkan
Non-stop breaking through,
Sunyi Tak Kira Diwaktu
Silence no matter what time,
Siang Atau Malam
Day or night,
Baca Semua Mesej Ku
Read all my messages,
Sampai Katam Hayalkan
Until finished imaginatively,
Kata Kata Manis Borak Panjang
Sweet words, long talks,
Dan Ilmu Tak Pernah Jemu
And knowledge never gets bored,
Sambung Lagi Lagu
Continue the song again,
Kini Sibuk Melayanmu Sehingga
Now busy serving you until,
Lupa Semua Ku Harap Kau Yang
I forget everything. I hope you are,
Satu Ke Akhirnya Tak Sabar
The one in the end. I can't wait,
Tuk Bertemu Kerapku Tahu Hanya
To meet you regularly. I only know,
Ku Tetap Di Dalam Hatimu
I am still in your heart,
Bagai Hidupku
Like my life,
Menghargai Apa Yang Kau Berikan
Appreciating what you give,
Ku Perlu Kamu Sentiasa Denganku
I always need you with me,
Tanpa Hiduku
Without you, my life,
Bagai Diriku Terbang Di Awan
Like me flying in the clouds,
Ku Bicarakan Isi Puisi Kau Dan Aku
I talk about the contents of your and my poem,
Puisi Ini Tanpa Kau Takkan Lengkap
This poem won't be complete without you,
Jujur Ku Iklas Harap Kau
Honestly, I sincerely hope you,
Dapat Tangkap
Will understand,
Miskin Kau Duit Berjuta
Poor you with millions of rupiah,
Oh Dan Impian
Oh and dreams,
Tanya Halim Kita Putar
Ask Halim, we play,
Hidup Bukan Selalu
Life isn't always,
Boleh Menang
Able to win,
Perlu Cahaya
Need light,
Dan Hari Gelap Jadi Terang
And dark days become bright,
Pastikan Tenang
Make sure it's calm,
Karna Kaulah Segalanya
Because you are everything,
Percaya Padaku Usah Kau
Trust me, don't,
Nak Bertanya
Ask questions,
Bagai Hidupku
Like my life,
Menghargai Apa Yang Kau Berikan
Appreciating what you give,
Ku Perlu Kamu Sentiasa Denganku
I always need you with me,
Tanpa Hiduku
Without you, my life,
Bagai Diriku Terbang Di Awan
Like me flying in the clouds,
Ku Bicarakan Isi Puisi Kau Dan Aku
I talk about the contents of your and my poem,
Isi Puisi Kau Dan Aku 2X
The contents of your and my poem 2X

Авторы: Dj Fuzz, Juzzthin

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