K Dub Shine - 今なら - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский K Dub Shine - 今なら

Now I Can
※ガキだった頃にはまだ素直になれなくて dear mama
※When I was a kid, I couldn't be honest with you, dear mama
オレだってもう今なら言えるね ありがとう dear mama※
Now I can finally say it: thank you, dear mama※
うちの貧乏特別だった 割れた窓 紙直接貼った
We were really poor. We had broken windows and paper stuck directly on them.
オレも病気持ち よく熱あった
I was also sick a lot and often had a fever.
それでもあらゆる病院で 原因不明が多いんで
But most hospitals couldn't figure out what was wrong with me.
なんとか少しでもよくしようと 独自で調べ試した治療法
So my mom tried to find ways to help me feel better on her own.
説明書や長い使用上の注意読んでも こっち素人
She read instructions and long warnings, but she didn't really understand them.
あんなに点滴さしたのに 医学も見放し 涙のみ 最後は愛情と神頼み
She gave me so many IVs, but the doctors couldn't help me. They could only offer sympathy and prayers.
根気よく続けた治療の結果 病院行くのもかなり減った
But my mom's treatments worked, and I didn't have to go to the hospital as much.
生んでくれたし 命の恩人 照れくせぇけど それ本心
She gave me life, and she saved my life. It's embarrassing to say, but it's true.
(※Repeat x2)
親子で2人 六畳一間 誕生日やクリスマスの日とかも
The two of us lived in a six-tatami room. We couldn't invite friends over for birthdays or Christmas.
狭くてうちに呼べない人は 風呂 クーラー 車もなくて
It was so small that we didn't have a bathtub, air conditioning, or a car.
ホントなら生活保護確定で どうみたってよそより貧乏
We were definitely poor by anyone's standards.
何も文句言わずに辛抱 そんなやり方さからい反抗
But my mom never complained. She just endured it all.
上手くいってるヤツらを参考 よくしたい生活のランクを
She looked up to people who were doing well and tried to improve our lives.
夜中無免バレ パクられた時 刑事見てる前殴られた
One night, I got caught driving without a license and was arrested.
またオレの代わりに頭下げ そこ出て来た時もう朝方で
The police beat me up right in front of my mom.
やっぱいつもの調子は出ない さすが思った申し訳ない
She came to the station to bail me out, and I felt so bad for her.
(※Repeat x2)
オフクロの味知らない昔 文句言うオレに愛想つかし
I didn't know what my mom's cooking tasted like. She got tired of my complaining.
She saved money on food and bought me a hamburger at McDonald's.
小銭くれマックでハンバーガー 買ってくれたレコード ガンダーラ
She bought me a record called "Gondola."
生活するのにいる元手 オヤジともめるカネのことで
My mom and dad fought about money all the time.
They sounded like doves cooing.
悪くなったオレの不自然な 態度に干渉し口げんか
I acted unnaturally because I was sick, and my mom and I fought all the time.
親子っていうのは無期限だ だからどの家もくじけんな
But we're family forever, so we can't give up.
行かしてくれた大学まで オレ途中で辞めて最悪だね
My mom paid for my college, but I dropped out. I was the worst.
ホントいつもしてた親不孝 そのうち連れて行くよオアフ島
I was always a disappointment to her, but I'll take her to Oahu someday.
(※Repeat x2)

Авторы: K.kagami, T.okada, k.kagami, t.okada

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