K Dub Shine - 天下の回りモン - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский K Dub Shine - 天下の回りモン

Worldly Wanderer
It's nice to have it, you know,
But wanting more is never-ending, right?
Is there such a thing as good money or bad money?
金は天下の回りモン 無ければ出来ない何にも
Money is a worldly wanderer, without it, nothing gets done.
誰でもいいから代わりの モノありゃそいつ見たいよ
Anyone, just show me a substitute if it exists.
Yo'名前万札ケチなやつ 背中にタトゥー キジ2つ
Yo, my name is 10,000 yen bill, a cheapskate with a tattoo of two pheasants on my back.
あとNIPPON GINKOと入れた腹 茶系の着物で地味な柄
And NIPPON GINKO etched on my belly, a plain brown kimono with a subdued pattern.
オレ財務省印刷局生まれ 外の世界にはまだまだ不慣れ
I was born in the Ministry of Finance Printing Bureau, still unfamiliar with the outside world.
ここ乾燥しきった地下金庫 最近合併したての銀行
This dry underground vault, a recently merged bank.
MP425823 O 政府の与えたID番号
MP425823 O, the ID number the government gave me.
閉じ込められてこれじゃあ囚人 東京の中心
Confined, I'm just a prisoner in the heart of Tokyo.
やたらとブーイング そのうち呼ばれんのを待つだけ
So much booing, just waiting to be called upon.
誰かに現金を貸すまで オレ壱万円
Until I'm loaned to someone, I'm a 10,000 yen bill.
こんな位置関係には満ち足んねぇ 距離ちぢまんねぇ
I'm not satisfied with this position, the distance never closes.
そこで支店長に きた連絡
Then, a call came to the branch manager.
知り合いの社長すごい剣幕 たしか小切手先月書いた
An acquaintance, a company president, was furious, it seems he wrote a check last month.
得意先のあの建設会社 政治資金と知ってて融資
That construction company, a client, knowingly financed political funds.
そりゃどの銀行も賭け重視 少しギャングスタのりになり書く
Well, every bank prioritizes the gamble, signing with a slightly gangster-like attitude.
サインとはんこ押す取締役 やっとあけられた重えドア
The director stamps his seal, and finally, the heavy door opens.
まあ仕方ねえか遅えのは この目で見た移動の瞬間
Well, I guess it can't be helped, the delay. I saw the moment of movement with my own eyes.
数人で分担慎重に運搬 同時に集まる視線も沢山
Several people carefully carry me, many eyes gather at the same time.
黒のアタッシュ2500万 奴隷船みたいに積み込むフルに
A black attache case, 25 million, loaded full like a slave ship.
内側窮屈 くそ息苦しい
The inside is cramped, it's suffocating.
金は天下の回りモン 無ければ出来ない何にも
Money is a worldly wanderer, without it, nothing gets done.
誰でもいいから代わりの モノありゃそいつ見たいよ
Anyone, just show me a substitute if it exists.
それも今日は5、10日金曜の午後 初めて出たぜ銀行の外
And today, it's Friday afternoon, the 5th or 10th, I'm finally out of the bank.
少し早くなる心臓の鼓動 耳ざわり車の振動の音
My heart beats a little faster, the annoying vibration of the car.
BMトランクの中積み移動 たぶん制限速度内のスピード
Moving in the trunk of a BMW, probably within the speed limit.
直接港区の代議士宅 頭取自らが会いに来た
Directly to the Diet member's house in Minato Ward, the bank president himself came to meet him.
こいつぁ天下り元外務省 またあの時の疑惑が再浮上
This guy is a retired Ministry of Foreign Affairs official, and the suspicion from back then resurfaces.
ひとことで企業舎弟理想だけ ビジネス以外の私情はねぇ
In a word, an ideal corporate underling, no personal feelings beyond business.
Yo'運びこまれた自宅の居間 今カーテン赤白青のシマ
Yo, I'm carried into the living room of the house, the curtains are red, white, and blue stripes now.
ワイロとして寄付ワルを自負 こいつらブ厚い顔の皮膚
A bribe disguised as a donation, these guys have thick skin on their faces.
オレ昨日から書斎の奥のたな 鍵の穴から外見えるかな
I've been in the back of the study since yesterday, can I see outside through the keyhole?
意外にせまい一戸建て住宅 息子タブっててまだいく中学
It's a surprisingly small detached house, the son is still in middle school, messing around with a tablet.
年は16中毒なり初め ジャンキー人生の始まりで
He's 16, starting to get addicted, the beginning of a junkie's life.
親父の金庫からオレを盗み ゲトる包みに入ったクスリ
He steals me from his father's safe, gets the drugs wrapped in a bundle.
デパートのトイレで渡す封筒 相手もラッピングしてて用意周到
He hands over the envelope in the department store bathroom, the other guy also has it wrapped, well prepared.
でディール終了行き先ゆううつ 封筒ん中も狭くきゅうくつ
The deal is done, the destination is depressing, the inside of the envelope is also cramped and suffocating.
まだオレピン札のままケツポケット プッシャー次動くまた別ので
I'm still a crisp bill in the back pocket, the pusher moves on to another deal.
その後帰宅古いマンションへ 世田道入って道3本目
Then, he goes home to an old apartment, three blocks down Setamichi.
金は天下の回りモン 無ければ出来ない何にも
Money is a worldly wanderer, without it, nothing gets done.
誰でもいいから代わりの モノありゃそいつ見たいよ
Anyone, just show me a substitute if it exists.
金は天下の回りモン 無ければ出来ない何にも
Money is a worldly wanderer, without it, nothing gets done.
誰でもいいから代わりの モノありゃそいつ見たいよ
Anyone, just show me a substitute if it exists.
オレテーブルの上で裸のまま シワひとつもねぇまだこのまま
I'm naked on the table, still smooth without a single wrinkle.
急に夜中にハイになりにきた女 男が呼んだ「上に乗んな」
Suddenly, a woman comes in high in the middle of the night, the man calls out, "Get on top."
最初はすすりなくよな声で 激しく燃えそのうちほえ
At first, she whimpers softly, then burns fiercely and eventually roars.
翌日仕事の途中で入金 ATMで打ち込む数字
The next day, I'm deposited during work, numbers are punched into the ATM.
Oh今度はいきなり機械ん中 自分の居場所の理解もまだで
Oh, now I'm suddenly inside the machine, still not understanding my place.
古いのやシワのと重ねられ やっと3日後の朝出られ
Stacked with old and wrinkled ones, I'm finally released after 3 days.
次の持ち主と御対面 怖いね財布ん中ここ初体験
Face to face with my next owner, it's scary, this is my first time in a wallet.
皮製ブランド超最新 どうやらこいつは業界人
A super new leather brand, it seems he's in the industry.
中身領収証とかそうゆうの でも身につけたがる高級物
Inside are receipts and such, but he likes to wear luxury items.
金あるけどせこいそんな印象 こいつの趣味 買春 淫行
He has money but he's stingy, that's the impression I get. This guy's hobby is buying spring, fornication.
援交出会いサイト系でゲット 洋服でつり誘うホテルのベッド
He gets it through compensated dating sites, lures with clothes to hotel beds.
女にしても制服プレイ させるだけで金をすぐくれ
Even for the woman, it's a uniform play, just do it and he'll give you money right away.
報酬もオレとあと2枚と 服買ってくれるいいバイト
The reward is me and two other bills, a good part-time job where he buys you clothes.
でまた今から行く表参道 のキリーランドの上の高級ブランド
And now we're going to Omotesando again, to the luxury brand above Kirin Land.
もうオレ真ん中で折れすっかりよれ あとなんだこれっていうような汚れ
I'm completely folded in the middle, wrinkled, and stained with who knows what.
そんな時レジ行きバッグを買った 払った オレあっけなく外資になった
Then, at the register, she bought a bag, paid, and I suddenly became foreign capital.
金は天下の回りモン 無ければ出来ない何にも
Money is a worldly wanderer, without it, nothing gets done.
誰でもいいから代わりの モノありゃそいつ見たいよ
Anyone, just show me a substitute if it exists.
金は天下の回りモン 渋谷ATOMIC BOMB
Money is a worldly wanderer, Shibuya ATOMIC BOMB.
K DUN SHINE, something like that.

Авторы: D-originu

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