K Dub Shine - 目撃者 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни K Dub Shine - 目撃者

※世界中の人が見た 何万発もミサイル飛ばす
※The whole world watched as tens of thousands of missiles flew
世界中の人が見た 悪びれずにくり返す誤爆
The whole world watched as the mistakes were repeated without remorse
世界中の人が見た 盗まれた美術品は巨額
The whole world watched as the stolen art was sold for millions
世界中の人が見た これ当然憎しみも育つ※
The whole world watched as hatred grew from this※
ミサイル打ち込まれたバグダット 空爆と同時に上がる株価
The missiles hit Baghdad, and the stock market rose
いつも安全な場所で 笑う悪魔 全世界が証人 どう見ても犯罪
The demons watched from a safe distance and laughed as the world witnessed obvious crimes
何十万人も叫ぶ戦争反対 崩れた残骸 炎と煙
Hundreds of thousands chanted against the war, among the rubble and smoke
豪音の合間に子供も眠り 罪のない市民が受ける傷
Children slept through the noise, innocent civilians wounded
ただでさえ普段から少ない水 今もう役に立たなくなった地図
Water was already scarce, and now the maps were useless
米軍 食料 毛布 武器豊富 繰り返し続く衝撃と恐怖
The US had plenty of food, blankets, and weapons, but left terror and fear behind
21世紀この不景気 最新鋭兵器 まったく見えない正義
In the 21st century, amid this economic crisis, advanced weaponry brought no justice
バンカーブラスター クラスター 誰にプラスか ホントにあんのか毒ガスが
Bunker busters, cluster bombs, who benefits? Where are the WMDs?
今だ使用されてる劣化ウラン弾 また子供のガンが多くなる湾岸
Depleted uranium bullets are still being used today, and cancer rates are rising in the Gulf
かなり多数の犠牲者出す それわかってて武器の量も増す
So many have died, and they know it, yet they keep increasing the number of weapons
全世界に中継 砂漠の風景 US UK 犠牲者の集計
The world watched the desert unfold on their screens, US and UK, counting the dead
まさに情報戦 捕虜の映像 叫ぶ大量破壊兵器の製造
This was an information war, with prisoners on display, lies about WMDs
週末の休暇 冗談じゃねえぞ テロとか核そんなの口実
These weekend warriors are a joke, using terrorism and nuclear threats as excuses
石油欲しくて 軍が上陸 死亡率かなり高くなるイラク
Oil was the motive, as troops invaded, and the death toll in Iraq rose
冷静に見守るプーチン シラク ああ現実と理想の差が開く
Putin and Chirac watched calmly, as the gap between reality and ideals widened
泥沼の市街戦 未体験 死ぬやつもいる 刺し違えて
Urban warfare, a new experience, with death and desperation at every turn
強い紫外線 砂嵐 そこいくら前見たって無駄らしい
Intense UV rays and sandstorms, lessons from the past ignored
暗闇 緑に光りも点滅 長い苦しみと怒りの年月
In the darkness, green lights flickered, a future of pain and anger
民主化解放と話すりかえ あとから何度となく絵を塗り替え
They talked of liberation and democracy, but the truth was constantly distorted
そしてジャーナリストでさえ狙われる命 アラーキリストかまわず祈り
And even journalists were targeted, with no regard for Allah or Christ
戦後もまだ続く空爆 シリア イランにもかかる重圧
Even after the war, the airstrikes continued, with Syria and Iran under pressure
またさらに今年になり増えた脅し 逆らえばトマホーク夜通し
And this year, the threats have escalated, with Tomahawk missiles flying through the night
で戦争は終結のような報道 白昼堂々市民が暴動
The war was declared over, but the truth was far from it, as civilians rioted in broad daylight
自由と平等 民主化解放 賭けてもいい うまく行かない方
Freedom and equality, liberation and democracy, bet on it, they won't deliver
戦争 占領 洗脳 いかにも どっかで見たことのあるシナリオ
War, occupation, propaganda, a familiar script playing out once again
誰かあったら教えてくれ違いを 将来イラクが日本みたい
Can anyone tell me the difference? Will Iraq one day be like Japan?
になると思うとなんか胸が痛い 正直何がいいのか俺にも微妙
The thought of it pains me, and I'm torn, unsure of what's right
崩れた建物に入った亀裂 さあこれから自爆テロの季節
Cracks in the broken buildings, a warning of future suicide bombings
誰もが目撃 見た... 疑問を持つべき 今...
We all witnessed it, did we? Doubt it today, watch...
It's always the children who suffer the most
When will it end?...
2003年4月 こんな歌作りたくもねえよ ふざけんなクソッ...
April 2003, I never wanted to write a song like this, f#ck this...

Авторы: 各務 貢太, D-originu, 各務 貢太, d−originu

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