K.J. - 君がいた冬 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни K.J. - 君がいた冬

Winter When You Were Here
Memories of winter when you were here turn into white breath
"もう戻れない" わかっているよ
"We can't go back" I know
These sad feelings you left behind,
If only they could melt away with the snow
久しぶりだな オレの方なら特に変わりはない
It's been a while, huh? Not much has changed on my end
肌寒い季节がやってくると 决まって君の事思い出す
When the chilly season comes around, I always think of you
放课后にキスした公园のベンチ どっちからともなく自然に
The park bench where we kissed after school, so naturally, without a word from either of us
少し震えてる そのか细い手を指を络ませ握って
Your纖細hands were a little cold, so I laced our fingers together and held them tight
交わした唇はあったかくて 思わず肩を抱き寄せた
Our lips were warm as we kissed, and without thinking, I put my arm around your shoulders
その长い髪の香りは甘くて 思わず君を抱きしめた
The scent of your long hair was sweet, and without thinking, I held you close
覚えてるかい? あの通学路 君をうしろに乗せてペダルを踏み込めば
Do you remember? That path to school, when I rode you on the back of my bike and pushed down on the pedals
寒さ忘れたよ 忘れないよ 背中のぬくもりを
I forgot the cold, I'll never forget the warmth of your back
Memories of winter when you were here turn into white breath
"もう戻れない" わかっているよ
"We can't go back" I know
These sad feelings you left behind,
If only they could melt away with the snow
なぁ そっちはどうだい? 都会の一人暮らしは顺调かい?
Hey, how are you? Is your life in the city going well?
街にクリスマスソングが流れ出すと 思い出のかけらを集めだす
When Christmas songs start playing in the streets, I start to gather up the fragments of our memories
残りわずかの学生生活 二人の恋の行方は无计画
The rest of your student life, the future of our love, unplanned
We took our long-distance relationship lightly, and it led to the worst possible outcome
気付かなかったあの日のS.O.S 电话の向こうすすり泣く声
I didn't realize it that day, the S.O.S. in your voice on the other end of the phone, the sound of you sobbing
"终わりにしよう"君が切り出した 二人の雪はとけだした
"Let's end it" you said, and our snow began to melt
风の噂できいたよ 君の新しい彼氏 応援したい けど复雑な想い
I heard through the grapevine that you have a new boyfriend. I want to support you, but it's complicated
分かってるさ "戻っておいで"なんていうセリフはもう遅いって
I know it's too late to say "Come back."
Memories of winter when you were here turn into white breath
"もう戻れない" わかっているよ
"We can't go back" I know
These sad feelings you left behind,
If only they could melt away with the snow
"どんなに离れてても 心はいつもそばにいるよ"
"No matter how far apart we are, my heart will always be with you"
保存したメール 消したはずなのに まだ
I saved that email, I deleted it, but it's still there
过去の恋爱 割り切ったはずなのにまた君に逢いたい
I moved on from our past love, but I still want to see you again
I can't erase you from my heart
Memories of winter when you were here turn into white breath
"もう戻れない" わかっているよ
"We can't go back" I know
These sad feelings you left behind,
If only they could melt away with the snow
Memories of winter when you were here turn into white breath
"もう戻れない" わかっているよ
"We can't go back" I know
These sad feelings you left behind,
If only they could melt away with the snow

Авторы: Tong Zi -t, Kohei Sakama, 童子−t, kohei sakama

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