KIMSEJEONG feat. lIlBOI - Warning (Feat. lIlBOI) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни KIMSEJEONG feat. lIlBOI - Warning (Feat. lIlBOI)

Warning (Feat. lIlBOI)
Warning (Feat. lIlBOI)
중요한 잊은 느낌
I feel like I'm forgetting something important
다가오는 불안함에
With an impending sense of anxiety
이상은 걷지 못해
I can't walk anymore
이러지 모르겠어
I don't know why I'm like this
예전 같지 않은 눈빛
My eyes are not the same as before
빛을 잃은듯한 future
My future seems to have lost its light
이건 뭐지? (뭐지)
What is this? (What is it?)
흠, 에라 몰라
Hmm, I don't know
놀러 가자 멀리
Let's go play far away
나를 찾아 떠나자
Let's leave to find me
길을 잃어버려도 좋아
It's okay to get lost
그게 옳을 테니까
Because that would be right
멀리 찾아 떠나자
Let's go far away
나를 잡지 못하게
So I can't catch up
힘을 내, สู้ๆนะ
Cheer up, cheer up
加油, cheer up, baby
加油, cheer up, baby
¡Ánimo! 頑張って
¡Ánimo! 頑張って
이상 I cannot go on
I can't go on anymore
날아가자 높이
Let's fly high
많은 볼수록 확실할 테니
The more you see, the more certain you'll be
멀리 놓을수록 가벼워져 테니까
The farther you let go, the lighter you'll become
(Warning!) 가보자
(Warning!) Let's go
모든 너도 나도 처음일 테니까
Everything will be new to both of us
(Warning!) 해보자
(Warning!) Let's do it
아니면, 다시 돌아오지 까짓 (돌아오지 까짓 뭐)
Otherwise, what's the point of coming back? (What's the point of coming back?)
Yeah, yeah, now every time I close my eyes
Yeah, yeah, now every time I close my eyes
떠올라 수만 가지 things
Ten thousand things come to mind
어린 시절에 그린, 나의 미래에 scenes
Scenes from my future that I drew as a child
Oh, yeah, 이루어진 없지만
Oh, yeah, not much of it came true
그래도 그때만큼은 즐거웠지 나는
But at least I was happy then
여전하길 비네, 시간이 지난 뒤에도
I pray that it stays the same, even after time passes
아무렇지 않게, 날았으면 위에
I wish I could just fly above, without a care
Look where we at, 구름 위에 불안감들 비워내
Look where we are, above the clouds, releasing our anxiety
잠시나마 여길 떠나 멀리, warning! (Whoo)
Let's leave here for a while, far away, warning! (Whoo)
걸어가자 천천히
Let's walk slowly
넘어지지 않도록
So we don't fall
조금 느리더라도 좋아
Even if it's a little slow, it's okay
많을 테니까
Because there will be much to see
잠시 멈춰 서보자
Let's stop for a moment
돌아볼 있도록
So we can look back
괜찮아, 잘했어
It's okay, you did well
내가 어쩔 거야?
What am I going to do?
세상은 운이야
Life is luck
날아가자 높이
Let's fly high
많은 볼수록 확실할 테니
The more you see, the more certain you'll be
멀리 놓을수록 가벼워져 테니까
The farther you let go, the lighter you'll become
(Warning!) 떠나자
(Warning!) Let's go
이대론 너도 나도 불안할 테니까
This time both of us will be anxious
(Warning!) 혼자면 어때
(Warning!) Even if I'm alone
가면, 누구라도 있겠지
If I go, someone will be there, right?
무서웠던 맘이 사라지기를
I pray that my fear will disappear
내일이 오지 않길 기도하던
I used to pray that tomorrow would never come
나의 세상도 나아갈 거야 앞으로
My world will move forward too, from now on
우울을 밟고서
Treading on my sadness
Worth it!
Worth it!
Worth it! (Oh)
Worth it! (Oh)
Worth it! (Na-na-na-na)
Worth it! (Na-na-na-na)
나아가자 높이
Let's go higher
모든 밟고 찬란한 우주로
Through everything, into the brilliant universe
멀리 쏘아 올린 작은 별을 다시 찾자
Let's find the small star that was shot far away again
(Worth it!) 가보자 까짓
(Worth it!) Let's go, it's nothing
지금보단 나아질 테니까
It will be better than now
(Worth it!) 물러서 있기엔
(Worth it!) It's too beautiful of an age
너무 아름다운 나이니까
To stand back

Авторы: Sejeong Kim, Hui Chang Roh, Ki San Km, Lilboi

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