KIRINJI feat. RHYMESTER - The Great Journey - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни KIRINJI feat. RHYMESTER - The Great Journey

The Great Journey
The Great Journey
This is truly a message from the ancient past
From the Ice Age to the Space Age
キミと書き足そう新たなページ 街はずれの聖地は午前零時
Let's write a new page in this place, a sacred ground on the outskirts of the city on the stroke of midnight
We stand up for the first time and start walking, just like early hominids adding a little personal touch to life
絡めた指がMUGO・んの返事 目指すは二人きりの実験室さ
Our intertwined fingers are MUGO's response, leading us to our own private laboratory
Journey to the past Journey to the future
Journey to the past Journey to the future
遺伝子のバトンタッチを 受け継いだ僕らは神の子孫たち
We have inherited the genetic baton and are descendants of the gods
Journey to the past Journey to the future
Journey to the past Journey to the future
この 二つの足で大地に立ち 追い越した地球の先輩たち
Standing on the ground with our two feet, we have surpassed our predecessors on Earth
そしていま真夏の夜の街 さまよう恋人たちは空室待ち
And now, wandering lovers in the midsummer night's streets search for a vacancy
Everybody let's make great journey tonight
Everybody let's make great journey tonight
No vacancy!
Tonight どこも満室!
Tonight everywhere is full!
Everybody let's make great journey tonight
Everybody let's make great journey tonight
No vacancy!
Tonight どこも満室!
Tonight everywhere is full!
そして僕らは立って歩き出した 真っ直ぐに立って歩き出した
And so we stand up and start walking, walking straight and tall
母なる大地に第一のステップ どこまでだって行ける気がした
Our first step on Mother Earth, and it feels like we can go anywhere
自由になった足は手になった 手によって丸太は舟になった
Our free legs have become our hands, and with our hands, logs become boats
舟に乗って僕らは海を渡った 以来数十万年が経った
In our boats, we crossed the sea, and so tens of thousands of years have passed
...フッ 昔の話さ 今晩は涙はナシさ だけど
...Ha, that's just a story. There'll be no tears tonight. But
夏の夜空の星座のせいで 制御出来ないくらいロマンティック
The constellations in the summer night sky make me feel so romantic, I can't control it
キミがヴェガならきっとオレはアルタイル あのアフリカのアダムとイヴ
If you are Vega, then I must be Altair, like Adam and Eve in Africa
なんて妄想が止まらないのは きっとオレだけじゃないはず
These crazy thoughts just won't stop, and I'm sure I'm not the only one
Journey to the past Journey to the future
Journey to the past Journey to the future
遺伝子のバトンタッチを 受け継いだ僕らは神の子孫たち
We have inherited the genetic baton and are descendants of the gods
Journey to the past Journey to the future
Journey to the past Journey to the future
この 二つの足で大地に立ち 追い越した地球の先輩たち
Standing on the ground with our two feet, we have surpassed our predecessors on Earth
そしていま真夏の夜の街 さまよう恋人たちは空室待ち
And now, wandering lovers in the midsummer night's streets search for a vacancy
Everybody let's make great journey tonight
Everybody let's make great journey tonight
No vacancy!
Tonight どこも満室!
Tonight everywhere is full!
Everybody let's make great journey tonight
Everybody let's make great journey tonight
No vacancy!
Tonight そこかしこ満室!
Tonight everywhere is full!
If we peel back the asphalt, there will be a wilderness underneath
Once it was an ocean
Life came from the sea
All living things have reproduced over countless generations, leading to
Our present
Life continues
The children living in the world thousands of years from now
I wanna make love to you!
I wanna make love to you!
どこもNo Vacancy キミの頬照らすネオンが妙にファンシー
No vacancy anywhere, the neon lights on your cheeks are strangely fancy
Savages packed into countless beehives, competing in dirty dancing
それは誰もがいつか来た道 途切れなく続く偉大な旅路
It's a path that everyone has taken, a great journey that continues unbroken
AとBとCすなわちHに入っちまったスウィッチ Let's Go!
A and B and C, that is H, flip the switch Let's Go!
Journey to the past Journey to the future
Journey to the past Journey to the future
遺伝子のバトンタッチを 受け継いだ僕らは神の子孫たち
We have inherited the genetic baton and are descendants of the gods
Journey to the past Journey to the future
Journey to the past Journey to the future
この 二つの足で大地に立ち 追い越した地球の先輩たち
Standing on the ground with our two feet, we have surpassed our predecessors on Earth
そしていま真夏の夜の街 さまよう恋人たちは空室待ち
And now, wandering lovers in the midsummer night's streets search for a vacancy
Journey to the past Journey to the future
Journey to the past Journey to the future
遺伝子のバトンタッチを 受け継いだ僕らは神の子孫たち
We have inherited the genetic baton and are descendants of the gods
Journey to the past Journey to the future
Journey to the past Journey to the future
この 二つの足で大地に立ち 追い越した地球の先輩たち
Standing on the ground with our two feet, we have surpassed our predecessors on Earth
そしていま真夏の夜の街 さまよう恋人たちは空室待ち
And now, wandering lovers in the midsummer night's streets search for a vacancy
Wandering lovers search for a vacancy
Whoever reaches the future first wins!
Everybody let's make great journey Tonight
Everybody let's make great journey Tonight
No vacancy!
Tonight どこも満室!
Tonight everywhere is full!
Everybody let's make great journey Tonight
Everybody let's make great journey Tonight
No vacancy!
Tonight どこも満室!
Tonight everywhere is full!
Let's grow vegetables on Mars
Eternal youth with IPS cells
Pillow talk with artificial intelligence
I wanna make love to you!
I wanna make love to you!

Авторы: 堀込 高樹, 宇多丸

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