KOHEI JAPAN - Go To Work - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни KOHEI JAPAN - Go To Work

Go To Work
Go To Work
今日も6畳一間のアパート 慌てて飛び出すとこからスタート
Today, I'm leaping out of my six-mat one-room apartment, starting with a rush
始まるバタバタした一日 金にならない仕事でギチギチ
A hectic day is about to begin, a thankless job, tightly packed
一日一歩 進めばいい方 One for the me and party people
Progressing one step a day is an achievement, one for myself and my party people
山積みにされた請求書 悩まされながらも現場に急行
A mountain of bills weighs on my mind, but I rush to the scene without delay
毎晩振るフライパン 客が皿を空にすれば快感
Swinging the frying pan every night, pleasure fills me when plates are cleared
マイクでぶちまける世界観 ビートが繋ぐ客との一体感
Rapping out my worldview on the mic, the beat connects me with the crowd
金じゃ買えない感動 こびりつく残像 はね返ってくる反響
An emotion that money can't buy, a lingering afterimage, a resonant echo
残業どころじゃない努力 続ければきっと誰かに届く
Effort beyond overtime, if I persist, surely it will reach someone
GO TO WORK 男なら働け 空にはばたけ
Go to work, my darling, if you're a man, work hard, soar high
そして手に入れようぜ札束 貫き通せ 夢があるなら
And let's get our hands on those bundles of cash, fulfilling our dreams
GO TO WORK 男なら働け 空にはばたけ
Go to work, my darling, if you're a man, work hard, soar high
そして手に入れようぜ札束 見てろ 俺の底力
And let's get our hands on those bundles of cash, watch my strength
俺は大黒柱 坂間家の要 次男坊スタイル聞きたきゃ黙れ
I'm the breadwinner, the foundation of the Sakama family, shut up if you want to hear the style of the second son
マイクと包丁で金稼ぐ 愛する家族 これで食べさせる
Earning money with a microphone and a knife, providing for my loving family
JBよりもハードワーク 年中無休 まるです****く
Harder working than JB, working year-round like a gruff old buffalo
目の下のクマはまるでパンダ 汗かきまくる まるでウガンダ
Dark circles under my eyes like a panda, sweating like I'm in Uganda
ガンダーラはどこ? 教えて欲しい 夢がかなうならば時間が欲しい
Where is Gandhara? I need to know, if dreams come true, I want some time
流れ星見つけそっとお願い 体に害のないシ**を頂戴
Spotting a shooting star, I made a wish, for a substance that doesn't harm my body
オヤジの背中見て育つ 子供のためにも怠けることなく
Following in my father's footsteps, working hard for my children
行動起こす 言葉に夢たくし 音楽史に名を残す
Taking action, weaving dreams into words, leaving my mark in music history
GO TO WORK 男なら働け 空にはばたけ
Go to work, my darling, if you're a man, work hard, soar high
そして手に入れようぜ札束 貫き通せ 夢があるなら
And let's get our hands on those bundles of cash, fulfilling our dreams
GO TO WORK 男なら働け 空にはばたけ
Go to work, my darling, if you're a man, work hard, soar high
そして手に入れようぜ札束 見てろ 俺の底力
And let's get our hands on those bundles of cash, watch my strength
人生はギャンブルと誰かが言う 時は金なりとみんな学ぶ
Life's a gamble, someone said, time is money, we've all learned
俺は地味で地道な管理野球 だがここぞという時は消える魔球
I'm a conservative, tactical player, but when the moment comes, I unleash an untouchable magic ball
常に抱える怖さ 自分が一番知ってる自分の弱さ
The fear I always carry, I know my weaknesses better than anyone
物欲 贅沢 やっぱりしたい 頑張り次第でラージな生活
Material desires, luxuries, I want them too, a lavish lifestyle if I work hard
送りたいから今日も働く 科学よりも頼る感覚
I want to provide, that's why I work today, trusting my instincts over science
マイク握る 握り続ける 握り続ければ絶対芽が出る
Gripping the mic, holding on tight, if I persist, it will surely blossom
さぁ今夜もライム帳片手に 自分の為に また金稼ぎ
Tonight again, with my notebook of rhymes, I'm making money for myself
The crumpled Soseki in my wallet, one day it will be a precious jewel
GO TO WORK 男なら働け 空にはばたけ
Go to work, my darling, if you're a man, work hard, soar high
そして手に入れようぜ札束 貫き通せ 夢があるなら
And let's get our hands on those bundles of cash, fulfilling our dreams
GO TO WORK 男なら働け 空にはばたけ
Go to work, my darling, if you're a man, work hard, soar high
そして手に入れようぜ札束 見てろ 俺の底力
And let's get our hands on those bundles of cash, watch my strength

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