KREVA - 微炭酸シンドローム feat.阿部真央 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни KREVA - 微炭酸シンドローム feat.阿部真央

微炭酸シンドローム feat.阿部真央
Microcarbonated Syndrome feat. Mao Abe
Take a step forward, and everything
はじけて 崩れるのに
Will burst and crumble, yet
Even though I know I shouldn't touch you
I seek you strongly...
強く... 強く... Ah...
Strongly... Strongly... Ah...
強く... 強く... Ah...
Strongly... Strongly... Ah...
初めてのように はじけたいのに
I want to burst like I did the first time, but
何でか知らないが またも掛かるストッパー
For some reason, I keep hitting the brakes
どうして絶好のチャンス 掴みたがってるのに逃す
Why do I let the perfect chance slip away even though I want to grab it?
本当は天まで飛ばすくらいの気持ちなのに 天の邪鬼
In reality, I have the potential to soar as high as the sky, but I'm a contrarian
偶然でも 強引でも この空気結構良いでしょ
Whether it's by chance or force, this atmosphere is pretty good, don't you think?
例えそれが甘い罠でも かかってみたいのはお互い様
Even if it's a sweet trap, we both want to fall for it
揃い始める二人の時計を ずらしちゃうのはプライドのせいか
Is it because of pride that we keep messing up the timing that's starting to align?
自分が嫌になり 後で地団駄踏むのわかってるけど
I hate myself for it, and I know I'll be kicking myself later
But my feelings are microcarbonated
Take my hand quickly
連れ去って ひとつになろう
Carry me away and let's become one
In a place where no one can reach us
ひそやかに 溶けてゆこう
Let's melt away secretly
熱く... 熱く... Ah...
Hotly... Hotly... Ah...
早く... 早く... Ah...
Quickly... Quickly... Ah...
はじけたいのに 気持ち微炭酸
I want to burst, but my feelings are microcarbonated
ハッとして GOODじゃなくてBADな気分
It makes me feel BAD, not GOOD
パッとはじけたいのに はじけらんないのは単に俺の問題
I want to burst, but the fact that I can't is simply my own problem
Seriously, I'm embarrassed
何気ない会話の端々に バシバシ出ていた合図
The signs were there in our casual conversation
さっきから 察知できてたし キャッチできてたのに
I could have sensed it from the beginning and caught it, but
I didn't, so now I'm in a sorry state
どうにも困った病 遂に時計は止まったまま
I have a terrible illness and now my clock has stopped completely
動かなくなりずれるいっぽう 調子いい奴に増える嫉妬
It's not moving, and the gap is only getting bigger. I'm growing envious of those who are doing well
くたばりゃいいとは思わないが ホントうらやましいったらありゃしない
I don't wish for them to die, but I can't help but feel envious
だらしない 何でこうなってしまうんだ
It's pathetic. Why do I end up like this?
気が付けば また気持ち微炭酸
Before I know it, my feelings are microcarbonated again
If this love is unrequited
At least hold me close now
I shouldn't touch you
Before the morning takes you away
強く... 強く... Ah...
Strongly... Strongly... Ah...
強く... 強く... Ah...
Strongly... Strongly... Ah...
はじけたいのに 気持ち微炭酸
I want to burst, but my feelings are microcarbonated

Авторы: Kreva, 熊井 吾郎, 阿部 真央

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