KUKU$ feat. Shin Tu - Sotona - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни KUKU$ feat. Shin Tu - Sotona

Sa parom si neko i nešto
With you, I'm someone
Divno je kako pokvari te zlo
It's amazing how evil can corrupt you
Jer život nije đabalesko, pokušavam ne mislit na to
Because life isn't diabolical, I try not to think about it
Dani su postali kraći, a noći su postale duže
Days have gotten shorter, nights have gotten longer
I čak i onda kada zaspiš, sotona će ostati budan
And even when you fall asleep, Satan will stay awake
Ljudi za parama jure takav je sistem i nemaju druge
People chase after money, that's the system and they have no choice
Ljudi za pare su Jude zbog para bi čak izdali jedni druge
People for money are Judases, for money they would even betray each other
Družim se s ovima, s onima, nikada ne znaš sa ovim masonima
I hang out with these, with those, you never know with these
Gleda me sova u snovima, svako se bori sa svojim demonima
An owl stares at me in my dreams, everyone fights their own demons
30 Zona, Buntai i Hilj$on Mandela naač
30 Zona, Buntai and Hilj$on Mandela
Ubio ko Cluedo bez daljnjeg, frende neću u detalje
Killed like in Cluedo without further ado, my friend, I won't go into details
Oružja ko Perzijski zaljev, rođen 36.
Weapons like the Persian Gulf, born in '36
Ali sam iz 33 bande, loptam ko Lionel Messi
But I'm from the 33 gang, I play like Lionel Messi
Maloj ti guram kroz noge neoj bit blesav
I'll push it through your legs, don't be foolish
Na vrhu piramide su ti kutomjer i šestar
At the top of the pyramid, you have the protractor and the compass
Dobro znaš ti ko flexa i finessa
You know well about flaunting and finesse
24 dine ali brijem da sam prestar
24-hour days but I shave like I'm a grandpa
Makni prefiks i vidiš da sam zvijezda
Remove the prefix and you'll see that I'm a star
Šalje naked pics preko Snapchata
She sends naked pics on Snapchat
Dobro znaš ti ko flexa i finessa
You know well about flaunting and finesse
Trešnjevački veliki meštar, Dela!
Great master of Trešnjevka, Dela!
Sa parom si neko i nešto
With you, I'm someone
Divno je kako pokvari te zlo
It's amazing how evil can corrupt you
Jer život nije đabalesko, pokušavam ne mislit na to
Because life isn't diabolical, I try not to think about it
Dani su postali kraći, a noći su postale duže
Days have gotten shorter, nights have gotten longer
I čak i onda kada zaspiš, sotona će ostati budan
And even when you fall asleep, Satan will stay awake
Ljudi za parama jure takav je sistem i nemaju druge
People chase after money, that's the system and they have no choice
Ljudi za pare su Jude zbog para bi čak izdali jedni druge
People for money are Judases, for money they would even betray each other
Biće smijeha biće svega
There will be laughter, there will be everything
Ak trea banut nea beda
If you need to ban, don't be a problem
U klubu puštamo maredo
We play seafood in the club
Kaže aj uđi zaružite
She says, come on in, join us
Ne znaš kak kod nas se ruži ne?
You don't know how we flirt, do you?
Kuja u suknji nas služi
A bitch in a skirt serves us
Gori ti zika na uši
Your fever burns your ears
Iamo tu điku u duši
We have that pride in our souls
Da sam njemac mala bi ti bila muschi
If I was German, baby, you would be my little pussy
U krugu sam se rola u krugu sam se puši
I rolled in the circle, I smoked in the circle
Daj povuci dim, i neoj mi se gušit
Take a puff of smoke, and don't choke on me
Daj po duplaj bas, daj dofuraj gras
Give me a double bass, bring some grass
Ako nea finog daj dofuraj das
If you don't have anything good, bring some hash
Kažem ajmo van, ne mislim na nas
I'm saying, let's go out, don't think about us
Kažem samo gas ne mislimo na isti gas
I'm just saying, step on the gas, we're not thinking about the same gas
Briješ da ste vi psi, al′ nismo ista pasmina
You think you are dogs, but we are not the same breed
Sa parom si neko i nešto
With you, I'm someone
Divno je kako pokvari te zlo
It's amazing how evil can corrupt you
Jer život nije đabalesko, pokušavam ne mislit na to
Because life isn't diabolical, I try not to think about it
Dani su postali kraći, a noći su postale duže
Days have gotten shorter, nights have gotten longer
I čak i onda kada zaspiš, sotona će ostati budan
And even when you fall asleep, Satan will stay awake
Ljudi za parama jure takav je sistem i nemaju druge
People chase after money, that's the system and they have no choice
Ljudi za pare su Jude zbog para bi čak izdali jedni druge
People for money are Judases, for money they would even betray each other

Авторы: Iso Miki, Kuks

KUKU$ feat. Shin Tu - Anđeli i Bomboni
Anđeli i Bomboni
дата релиза

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