Kako M. - Rayas - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Kako M. - Rayas

Pequeña funcionó, tu padre dijo "tengo tu nariz" y medio coló
Little one worked, your father said "I've got your nose" and it almost worked
Y lloraste desconsoladamente ante la idea de no percibir olor
And you cried desolately at the thought of not being able to smell
Fuiste la reina del finde
You were the queen of the weekend
La vida era una fiesta y llevabas la lista aún
Life was a party and you were still on the list
Te veo irte del bar bien puesta
I see you leaving the bar looking good
Bien alimentada por buitres...
Well fed by vultures...
Con rayas, para avivar el instinto suicida
With stripes, to rekindle the suicidal instinct
Rayas, lo único recto que hiciste en tu vida
Stripes, the only straight thing you did in your life
Rayas, si algo se torcía, la enderezabas
Stripes, if something went wrong, you straightened it
Con rayas, rectas, desmedidas
With stripes, straight, oversized
La vida iba pasando y no reparó en ti
Life was passing you by and didn't notice you
O quizás no reparaste en ella
Or maybe you didn't notice it
La vida era el Jazz de una sala de espera hasta morir
Life was the jazz in a waiting room until you die
O convertirte en estrella
Or become a star
Hasta ibas bien ciega
You were even going blind
Pero tenías que ir a trabajar y maquillarte
But you had to go to work and put on makeup
Tu alarmas sonaba en el after
Your alarms went off in after hours
Las drogas eran un atávico
Drugs were an atavism
Y man, sólo te dejabas llevar
And man, you just let yourself go
Vente conmigo
Come with me
No pienses que estoy loca, sólo es un decir
Don't think I'm crazy, it's just a saying
No le eches cuentas a esos cuerdos, ni caso
Don't pay attention to those sane people, don't you dare
Que enojan en porque no saben vivir
They make me angry because they don't know how to live
Que sólo pierden la cabeza si se lanzan al brazo
They only lose their minds if they jump into the arm
Ven que no puedo dormir
Come, I can't sleep
El perchero de mi cuarto hace la sombra de un extraño
The coat rack in my room makes the shadow of a stranger
Que viene por mí, ven a ahuyentarlo
Who's coming for me, come chase him away
Y así si vuelve será porque se querrá unir
And so if he comes back it will be because he wants to join in
Con rayas, para avivar el instinto suicida
With stripes, to rekindle the suicidal instinct
Rayas, lo único recto que hiciste en tu vida
Stripes, the only straight thing you did in your life
Rayas, si algo se torcía, la enderezabas
Stripes, if something went wrong, you straightened it
Con rayas, rectas, desmedidas
With stripes, straight, oversized
Son rayas, que empiezan aquí y acaban en la ruina
They are stripes, which start here and end in ruin
Rayas, conductoras de electricidad
Stripes, conductors of electricity
Rayas, siempre enteras, hasta el final
Stripes, always whole, until the end
Rayas, te liberan y te dominan
Stripes, they free you and dominate you
El viejo cascarrabias del sol subía justo al llegar tu bajón
The old grouch of the sun was rising just as your downer was coming
Equilibrio astral entre tu cabeza y otro astro mayor
Astral balance between your head and another bigger star
Que inunda las calles de absurda verdad
That floods the streets with absurd truth
La sustancia de la noche es el residuo del día
The substance of the night is the residue of the day
¡Que bien lo sabías!
How well you knew it!
Princesa en la of. y con el sello del garito de ayer
Princess in the office, and with the stamp of yesterday's dive
Al infierno se va en línea recta
Hell is reached in a straight line
Con rayas, para avivar el instinto suicida
With stripes, to rekindle the suicidal instinct
Rayas, lo único recto que hiciste en tu vida
Stripes, the only straight thing you did in your life
Rayas, si algo se torcía, la enderezabas
Stripes, if something went wrong, you straightened it
Con rayas, rectas, desmedidas
With stripes, straight, oversized
Son rayas, que empiezan aquí y acaban en la ruina
They are stripes, which start here and end in ruin
Rayas, conductoras de electricidad
Stripes, conductors of electricity
Rayas, siempre enteras, hasta el final
Stripes, always whole, until the end
Rayas, te liberan y te dominan
Stripes, they free you and dominate you
Parece que acabas de parpadear
It seems like you just blinked
¡Doctora aquí, a la 110!
Doctor, over here, room 110!
La reina de la noche duerme al fin
The queen of the night is sleeping at last
Pero esta vez no se sabe si despertará
But this time we don't know if she'll wake up
Tu padre lleva treinta años lamentando
Your father has been regretting for thirty years
No haberse quedado tu nariz
Not having kept your nose

Авторы: Juan Jose Moreno Leon

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