Kalazh44 - 9 mm - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Kalazh44 - 9 mm

9 mm
9 mm
Ja, Bra, ja, hahaha (ja, Bra, haha)
Yes, bro, yes, hahaha (yes, bro, haha)
Ha, ha, hahaha
Ha, ha, hahaha
Ja, Bra (ja, Bra, Bra)
Yes, bro (yes, bro, bro)
Samra, Berlin lebt
Samra, Berlin is alive
Ja, ja, ja (ja), brra-ra-ra!
Yes, yes, yes (yes), brra-ra-ra!
Ich hau' deinen Bodyguard mit Chrombolzen (ja!)
I'll hit your bodyguard with chrome bolts (yes!)
Eure Unterwelt-Paten werden zu Kronzeugen (hahaha)
Your underworld godfathers will become crown witnesses (hahaha)
Weil mir die Cops folgen
Because the cops are following me
Mach' ich Business nur mit Top-Leuten
I only do business with top people
Kalazh, Samra, Darby Stada, Kopf, Wolken (uff)
Kalazh, Samra, Darby Stada, head, clouds (uff)
Fick' die Fahnder, lecker Sirup in die Fanta (lecker, lecker)
Fuck the cops, delicious syrup in the Fanta (delicious, delicious)
Vegeta, Genkidama, Guccimuster, Ringelnatter (ah)
Vegeta, Genkidama, Gucci pattern, grass snake (ah)
Einbruch Lidl-Lager, kleine Kinder werden hungrig (hungrig)
Break-in Lidl warehouse, little children get hungry (hungry)
Die Kassiererin kommt zu sich, alle Täter reden russisch (hahaha)
The cashier comes to, all the perpetrators speak Russian (hahaha)
Neun Millimeter, neun Millimeter (alle!)
Nine millimeters, nine millimeters (everybody!)
Neun Millimeter, neun Millimeter (yallah)
Nine millimeters, nine millimeters (yallah)
Vollautomatik, Vollautomatik (alle!)
Full auto, full auto (everybody!)
Neun Millimeter, neun Millimeter (alle-le-le)
Nine millimeters, nine millimeters (everybody-le-le)
Neun Millimeter, neun Millimeter (brra, alle!)
Nine millimeters, nine millimeters (brra, everybody!)
Neun Millimeter, neun Millimeter (yallah)
Nine millimeters, nine millimeters (yallah)
Vollautomatik, Vollautomatik (alle!)
Full auto, full auto (everybody!)
Neun Millimeter, neun Millimeter (alle-le-le)
Nine millimeters, nine millimeters (everybody-le-le)
Neun-Milli-Milli, Neun-, Neun-Milli-Milli (rrah)
Nine-milli-milli, nine-, nine-milli-milli (rrah)
Ich zieh' um die Häuser, bin auf Joint, bin auf Tili (rrah)
I'm cruising around the houses, I'm on joint, I'm on Tili (rrah)
Und wir ballern aus dem Van (wuah), lass die Taş-Karte brenn'n (wuah)
And we shoot from the van (wuah), let the Taş card burn (wuah)
Eine Mio auf dem Konto und eine Mio Fans (brra)
One million in the account and one million fans (brra)
Coca-Cola Zero, Robert und De Niro
Coca-Cola Zero, Robert and De Niro
Samra, Al Pacino, verspiel' Mios in der Spielo (jo)
Samra, Al Pacino, gamble millions in the casino (yo)
Wodka-E in der Blutbahn (Blut, Blut, Blut)
Vodka-E in the bloodstream (blood, blood, blood)
Weißt du was? Es fühlt sich gut an, ich rolle am Ku'damm, rrah
You know what? It feels good, I'm rolling on Ku'damm, rrah
Neun Millimeter, neun Millimeter (alle!)
Nine millimeters, nine millimeters (everybody!)
Neun Millimeter, neun Millimeter (yallah)
Nine millimeters, nine millimeters (yallah)
Vollautomatik, Vollautomatik (alle!)
Full auto, full auto (everybody!)
Neun Millimeter, neun Millimeter (alle-le-le)
Nine millimeters, nine millimeters (everybody-le-le)
Neun Millimeter, neun Millimeter (brra, alle!)
Nine millimeters, nine millimeters (brra, everybody!)
Neun Millimeter, neun Millimeter (yallah)
Nine millimeters, nine millimeters (yallah)
Vollautomatik, Vollautomatik (alle!)
Full auto, full auto (everybody!)
Neun Millimeter, neun Millimeter (yeah, alle-le-le)
Nine millimeters, nine millimeters (yeah, everybody-le-le)
Sabaho, Magazin Schublade (uff)
Sabaho, magazine drawer (uff)
Drei Millionen in Schubkarre (ja)
Three million in wheelbarrow (yes)
Neun Millimeter Dum-dum (Dum-dum)
Nine millimeters dum-dum (dum-dum)
Mein Kopf kocht, so wie Yum Yum (aha)
My head is boiling, like Yum Yum (aha)
Sikine in Kittef, Schulden (sikine)
Sikine in Kittef, debts (sikine)
Zahlst du nicht, gibt es Wunden (zahlst du nicht)
If you don't pay, there will be wounds (if you don't pay)
Innenhof, dreh' Runden (Bra)
Courtyard, turning rounds (bro)
Zellentrakt, meine Kunden (brra-ra-ra)
Jail cell, my clients (brra-ra-ra)
Farred unter Kanse, Herkunft ist Odessa (ey)
Farred under canvas, origin is Odessa (ey)
Zeitzünder (ey), Automat über Wecker (ah, ey)
Time bomb (ey), automatic over alarm clock (ah, ey)
Kiefer splittert (splittert)
Jaw splinters (splinters)
Koks glitzert (bitter, bitter)
Coke glitters (bitter, bitter)
Großbestellung (brra)
Bulk order (brra)
Durch Handy-Wickr (rra-rra-rrah)
Through cell phone Wickr (rra-rra-rrah)
Neun Millimeter, neun Millimeter (alle!)
Nine millimeters, nine millimeters (everybody!)
Neun Millimeter, neun Millimeter (yallah)
Nine millimeters, nine millimeters (yallah)
Vollautomatik, Vollautomatik (alle!)
Full auto, full auto (everybody!)
Neun Millimeter, neun Millimeter (alle-le-le)
Nine millimeters, nine millimeters (everybody-le-le)
Neun Millimeter, neun Millimeter (brra, alle!)
Nine millimeters, nine millimeters (brra, everybody!)
Neun Millimeter, neun Millimeter (yallah)
Nine millimeters, nine millimeters (yallah)
Vollautomatik, Vollautomatik (alle!)
Full auto, full auto (everybody!)
Neun Millimeter, neun Millimeter (alle-le-le)
Nine millimeters, nine millimeters (everybody-le-le)
Es geht um miese Para (Para)
It's about lousy money (money)
Ich weiß nicht, bin ich Rapper (ja, ja)
I don't know if I'm a rapper (yes, yes)
Oder Immobilienmakler? (Ahaha)
Or a real estate agent? (Ahaha)
Wir fressen Mios Vater (haha)
We eat millions father (haha)
Bonne chance, Sol-Sa
Bonne chance, Sol-Sa
Kokain-Handel wie Sosa
Cocaine trade like Sosa
Mach' hundert Riesen im Monat (ja)
Make a hundred grand a month (yes)
Wodka-Red-Bull, ich bin Koma (ja)
Vodka-Red-Bull, I'm coma (yes)
Fahr im A6, so wie Gokart
Driving an A6 like a go-kart
Berlin ist Straße wie Poker
Berlin is street like poker
Frühstück im Peri, bring O-Saft
Breakfast in Peri, bring orange juice
Roli, sie tickt auf dem Chromblatt (blubber, blubber)
Roli, she's into the chrome sheet (blubber, blubber)
Ich mag kein Kleingeld (nein)
I don't like small change (no)
Ich find' Scheine cooler (cooler)
I think bills are cooler (cooler)
Und fick' Mutter auf sechs Züge und drei Huper (brra)
And fuck mom in six moves and three Huper (brra)
Neun Millimeter, neun Millimeter (alle!)
Nine millimeters, nine millimeters (everybody!)
Neun Millimeter, neun Millimeter (yallah)
Nine millimeters, nine millimeters (yallah)
Vollautomatik, Vollautomatik (alle!)
Full auto, full auto (everybody!)
Neun Millimeter, neun Millimeter (alle-le-le)
Nine millimeters, nine millimeters (everybody-le-le)
Neun Millimeter, neun Millimeter (brra, alle!)
Nine millimeters, nine millimeters (brra, everybody!)
Neun Millimeter, neun Millimeter (yallah)
Nine millimeters, nine millimeters (yallah)
Vollautomatik, Vollautomatik (alle!)
Full auto, full auto (everybody!)
Neun Millimeter, neun Millimeter (alle-le-le-le)
Nine millimeters, nine millimeters (everybody-le-le-le)
Neun-neun-neun-neun Milli-Milli-Milli
Nine-nine-nine-nine milli-milli-milli
Vollautomatik, Vollautomatik
Full auto, full auto
Neun-neun-neun-neun Milli-Milli-Milli
Nine-nine-nine-nine milli-milli-milli
Ich häng' am Ku'damm (neun Milli)
I'm hanging out at Ku'damm (nine milli)
Es fühlt sich gut an (neun-neun-neun-neun)
It feels good (nine-nine-nine-nine)

Авторы: Konstantin Scherer, Vincent Stein, Hussein Akkouche, Kalazh44, Vladislav Balovatsky, Mohamed Alkhodor

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