Kali feat. Peter Pann & Pišta Lakatoš - Hop Čip (feat. Pista Lakatos) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Kali feat. Peter Pann & Pišta Lakatoš - Hop Čip (feat. Pista Lakatos)

Hop Čip (feat. Pista Lakatos)
Hop Čip (feat. Pista Lakatos)
A potom najhoršia vec bola
And then the worst thing was
Že som chcel urobiť nejakú, takú vážnejšiu vec, chápeš bratan
That I wanted to do something, something serious, you know, my friend
A šak nebola robota, ta nezobereš znelku, more?
And there was no job, you can't just take a jingle, can you?
A oni mi povedali:,,Pišta, urobte také dačo pre Slovensko..."
And they told me, "Pista, do something for Slovakia..."
Mamina, prepáč mi, že mi to sem tam kúruje na hlavu
Mom, forgive me for sometimes getting a little crazy
Ale som taký, aký som
But I'm like this, that's who I am
A iný nebudem
And I won't be different
Trebalo by mi dať na bradu
I should put a beard on
Ale keď ide o zábavu nevím čo so sebú
But when it comes to fun, I don't know what to do with myself
Púšťam to zvieratko vén
I let the little animal out, you know
Cez týždeň nemal som moc dobrú náladu
I wasn't in a very good mood during the week
Takže sa porobím cez víkend (ajajaj)
So I'll make up for it over the weekend (ouch)
Čo tam za duny hovorí?
What are those dunes saying over there?
Nerob to, vieš, jak to skončí
Don't do it, you know how it ends
Po piatej dvojtej príde na radu
After the fifth double, it's time for
Ten jebnutý po hlave, červené oči
That head-cracking, red-eyed one
A keď máš partiu, takú, ako si ty
And when you have a crew, one like yours
Dopadne to ako v najhorších snoch
It ends like in the worst nightmares
Berte mi telefón z ruky, nech nedávam statusy
Take my phone away so I don't post statuses
Od srdca, lebo som Boh dnes
From the heart, because I'm God today
Aj keď zateká do topánok
Even if it's leaking into my shoes
Nedojebe mi to môj spánok
It won't screw up my sleep
Aj keď sa nedarí aj tak je život naj-aj-aj
Even if things aren't going well, life is still the best-best-best
Užívam si ho bez prestávok
I'm enjoying it without a break
Ja to viem, že život neni vždycky popiči
I know, life isn't always a piece of cake
No aj tak viem, že ma nuda nikdy nezničí
But I also know that boredom will never kill me
Pretože môžem drbať všetky pravidlá
Because I can break all the rules
Tak to môj viem, že by si chcel
I know, you'd like
Aby som bol športovec roka
For me to be the athlete of the year
No osud to zariadil ináč
But fate arranged it differently
A tak nejak náhodou
And somehow
Padla mi hudba do oka
Music caught my eye
A k tomu patrí aj život
And with it comes life
Ktorého príbehy sem, tam tak trochu cez
Whose stories are here and there, a bit over the top
Musíme dar, ktorý máme, porozdávať
We have to share the gift we have
Všade, kde sa, do šeckých miest (Hopá)
Everywhere we can, in every place (Hopá)
Hej, nie som dokonalý, ale život si užívať viem
Hey, I'm not perfect, but I know how to enjoy life
Žijeme rýchlo, žijeme na hrane
We live fast, we live on the edge
Každý deň je ako posledný deň
Every day is like the last day
Včera som 20 mal, dnes idem na 40
Yesterday I was 20, today I'm going on 40
Keď hodiny nezastavíme
When we can't stop the clock
Preto sa bavíme, žijeme, pijeme
That's why we have fun, live, drink
A keď hrá hudba, tak hlava sa kýve
And when the music plays, our heads nod
Aj keď zateká do topánok
Even if it's leaking into my shoes
Nedojebe mi to môj spánok
It won't screw up my sleep
Aj keď sa nedarí aj tak je život naj-aj-aj
Even if things aren't going well, life is still the best-best-best
Užívam si ho bez prestávok
I'm enjoying it without a break
Ja to viem, že život neni vždycky popiči
I know, life isn't always a piece of cake
No aj tak viem, že ma nuda nikdy nezničí
But I also know that boredom will never kill me
Pretože môžem drbať všetky pravidlá
Because I can break all the rules
Aj keď zateká do topánok
Even if it's leaking into my shoes
Nedojebe mi to môj spánok
It won't screw up my sleep
Aj keď sa nedarí aj tak je život naj-aj-aj
Even if things aren't going well, life is still the best-best-best
Užívam si ho bez prestávok
I'm enjoying it without a break
Možno som mohol byť doktor
Maybe I could have been a doctor
Právnik, kozmonaut, profesor
A lawyer, an astronaut, a professor
Nevim no, z nejakého dôvodu robím, čo robím
I don't know, for some reason I'm doing what I'm doing
A preto nestojím na zemi
And that's why I'm not on the ground
Sloboda v žilách mi koluje od mala
Freedom has been coursing through my veins since I was little
Život ma baví a to sa nemení
I enjoy life and that's not changing
Ani keď pólku mám za sebou
Even though I'm halfway through
Oči, za tri životy a za to sa cením
Eyes, enough for three lifetimes, and I'm proud of that
Ja to viem, že život neni vždycky popiči
I know, life isn't always a piece of cake
No aj tak viem, že ma nuda nikdy nezničí
But I also know that boredom will never kill me
Pretože môžem drbať všetky pravidlá
Because I can break all the rules
Symfonicko je báseň, originál
Symphony is a poem, original
Básnické dielo s hudbou, spolu
A poetic work with music, together
A poviem ti len toľko, vieš?
And I'll just tell you this, you know?
Keď máš švihadlo, ta švihaj
When you have a jump rope, jump
A keď nemáš stíhačku, tak nestíhaš, bratan
And when you don't have a fighter jet, then you're not catching up, my friend
Múdrosti sveta
The wisdom of the world
Kúp si knihu "Atlas hry", nerob
Buy the book "Atlas of Play", don't do it
A nebehajte mi tu bez rúšky!
And don't run around here without a mask!

Авторы: Koloman Magyary, Peter Macko

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