Proving anything here, the club's on fire, it always is.
Nechceli mi dať klud.
They wouldn't leave me alone.
Tak som musel svoje druhé ja do sveta vykopnúť.
So I had to kick my other self out into the world.
So schýzou máš volný vstup.
With schizophrenia you have free entry.
Posratých jebem čo chceli mi tú dušu ukradnúť.
Fuck the scared ones who wanted to steal my soul.
Trocha novoročný sľub.
A little New Year's resolution.
Nebudem furt držať piču a tváriť sa, že som duch.
I won't keep my mouth shut and pretend to be a ghost.
Už žádny Robin Hood.
No more Robin Hood.
Postavíš tie mosty v dobrom a potom ti zlomia krk.
You build bridges with good intentions and then they break your neck.
Nemohlo to dopadnúť
It couldn't have ended up
Inač preto začínam hrať s nimi po novom tú hru.
Any other way, so I'm starting to play this new game with them.
Povedz mi prečo chceš privolávať tmu?
Tell me why do you want to summon the darkness?
Privolávať tmu, privolávať tmu.
Summon the darkness, summon the darkness.
Povedz mi čo ti vadí na tom že máš klud?
Tell me what bothers you about having peace?
Na tom že máš klud, na tom že máš klud.
About having peace, about having peace.
Nechápem prečo sa mi snažíš dať z rúk...
I don't understand why you're trying to take off my...
Putá dole z rúk, putá dole z rúk.
Shackles off my hands, shackles off my hands.
Ale jak si praješ pome teda začať novú hru.
But if you wish, let's start a new game.
Možme začať novú hru.
We can start a new game.
Good bye, show, peace ale menej show jak peace.
Good bye, show, peace but less show than peace.
Úprimného rappera dostaneš už len na predpis.
You can only get an honest rapper by prescription.
Toto neni diss ale fakt fakt do huby.
This isn't a diss but really really in your face.
Je rád brata za chrbtom fakt fakt asi tak.
He's happy to have a brother behind his back really really like that.
Nejak mať čistú hlavu v tomto svete sa nedá.
It's impossible to have a clear head in this world.
Čum na jeba, najebal, pojebal, šupa na rebrá.
Look at the fucker, fucked up, fucked over, punch to the ribs.
Lóve hýbu charakterom, sláva šlape na pedál.
Money moves character, fame steps on the pedal.
Plný plyn do múru jeb, bum-bác a kerák
Full throttle into the wall, fuck, boom-bang and a wreck
Tak sa nečuduj, že stalo sa z nás psycho
So don't be surprised that we became psychos
Tak rýchlo jak víchor šíri sa to ticho
As fast as the wind spreads the silence
Pred búrkou od nás na východ.
Before the storm from us to the east.
Nešírime hejt len pichol si do nesprávnych
We don't spread hate, you just poked the wrong ones
A vdýchol život mŕtvym,
And breathed life into the dead,
čo ti ukážu po svojom kde je východ.
Who will show you their way out.
Brácho asi nejsú vážne spokojní, pokorní.
Brother, they're probably not really satisfied, humble.
Po kom by aj mohli z domu kokot o tom ví
Who could they be like, the asshole from home knows about it
Pochopí to až potom, keď pojdem proti nim do vojny.
He'll understand only after I go to war against them.
Zatial držím hubu no dokedy iba ďábel ví.
For now, I keep my mouth shut but for how long only the devil knows.
Povedz mi prečo chceš privolávať tmu?
Tell me why do you want to summon the darkness?
Privolávať tmu, privolávať tmu.
Summon the darkness, summon the darkness.
Povedz mi čo ti vadí na tom že máš klud?
Tell me what bothers you about having peace?
Na tom že máš klud, na tom že máš klud.
About having peace, about having peace.
Nechápem prečo sa mi snažíš dať z rúk...
I don't understand why you're trying to take off my...
Putá dole z rúk, putá dole z rúk.
Shackles off my hands, shackles off my hands.
Ale jak si praješ pome teda začať novú hru.
But if you wish, let's start a new game.
Možme začať novú hru.
We can start a new game.
Keď som s tým začal, bol som úplne iný človek.
When I started with this, I was a completely different person.
Plný vízií, bez výhovoriek ale...
Full of visions, no excuses but...
Teraz neviem kade ujsť,
Now I don't know where to run,
Kadekolvek bežím narazím na moc hláv mŕtvych moriek.
Wherever I run, I bump into a lot of dead turkeys.
Stará lundra na mňa máva: Miško poď si po liek!
The old hag waves at me: Misko come get your medicine!
Všade čudný vyjebanci v bielom na podlahe stopy kolies.
Everywhere weird fucks in white on the floor traces of wheels.
Keď dožerem tú sračku, musíme tie tácky odniesť.
When I finish this shit, we have to take these trays away.
Je mi na grc, huspenina z kolies s prasaťa hnis v ňom myš skapatá čo ti poviem synu treba dať bacha .Keď ma otravite z hovien berem vidličku berem život berem klúče a letím von viem že ste ma sem dostaly vy aby zostali žiť zo mňa kym tam nezomriem mňa nedostanú pod zem som vonku hajzel pod sem trham mäso zaživa jak vlci z pojebanej ovce začína sa nová hra Vendeta si na odstrel...
I'm gonna puke, aspic from wheels with pig pus in it, a dead mouse, what can I tell you, son, you have to be careful. When they poison me with shit, I take a fork, I take life, I take the keys and I fly out, I know you got me here so you could live off me until I die there, they won't get me under the ground, I'm out, shit under here, I tear flesh alive like wolves from a fucked up sheep, a new game begins Vendetta you're on the shot...
Povedz mi prečo chceš privolávať tmu?
Tell me why do you want to summon the darkness?
Privolávať tmu, privolávať tmu.
Summon the darkness, summon the darkness.
Povedz mi čo ti vadí na tom že máš klud?
Tell me what bothers you about having peace?
Na tom že máš klud, na tom že máš klud.
About having peace, about having peace.
Nechápem prečo sa mi snažíš dať z rúk...
I don't understand why you're trying to take off my...
Putá dole z rúk, putá dole z rúk.
Shackles off my hands, shackles off my hands.
Ale jak si praješ pome teda začať novú hru.
But if you wish, let's start a new game.
Možme začať novú hru.
We can start a new game.
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