Kali feat. Tomáš Botló - Ona - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Kali feat. Tomáš Botló - Ona

Ona prichádza do klubu len tak z ničoho nič taký jednorázový flám,
She entered the club so unexpectedly, just for a one-night stand,
Chalani hned kukni sa hentam hentá topka v sprievode dám,
Guys watch immediately, look at that chick over there, in the company of ladies,
Nechodíme sem často, len sem tam no poznáme všetkých jak svoju dlaň, preto kukáme po hentých fenkách pretože tu partiu nepoznám.
We don't come here often, only occasionally, but we know everyone like the palm of our hands, so we're checking out those chicks because we don't know this party.
A všetky sa bavia, len hentá jedná pozerá do pohára,
And they're all having fun, but that one over there is just staring into her glass,
Vyzerá to že mala čáva, ale asi čávo nebol žiadna sláva.
It looks like she's been dumped, but maybe the dude wasn't worth it at all.
Vyzerá to že klamal, sklamal hm asi s nejakou inou spával
It looks like he lied, disappointed, hm maybe he slept with someone else.
A tak poslala do míndž, takže dievča je single sama sláva.
And so she sent him to hell, so the girl is single now, a real glory.
Ale vycítili to aj psy v tom klube a pýtaju sa koho si,
But even the dogs in the club sensed it and they are asking who are you,
A pozývaju na džusy s vodkou no ona také kliše nemusí.
And they're inviting her for some juice with vodka, but she doesn't like those clichés.
A nechce tvoje lóve, smeje sa na tom jak každý si myslí že je Noe, a ona je jej archa no pohľad jej hovorí za všetko, že chlapec sa pober.
And she doesn't want your money, she laughs at how everyone thinks she is Noah, and she is his ark but her look says everything, that boy should get lost.
No ale noc sa ešte nekončí, lebo DJ začina hrať tu jej,
But the night's not over yet, because the DJ starts playing her jam,
A hned jak prdel roztočí, každý chalan sa za ňou pakuje,
And as soon as her butt starts shaking, every guy chases after her,
Zrazu každý chce byť tanečník, ale ona im tie kreácie fakuje,
Suddenly everyone wants to be a dancer, but she just slaps their creations,
Je jedno kdo a s čim za ňou dôjde ona nemá záujem.
It doesn't matter who comes to her with what, she's not interested.
Ani ja nemám tu odvahu aj ked nachviľu to vyzeralo že to dám,
I don't have the courage either, even though for a moment it looked like I could,
Pribity na podlahu, tam stojm a sledujem tu dámu dám,
Nailed to the floor, standing there and watching this lady,
A sudim podľa odhadu, aj ked nechcem pôjdem domov sám,
And I guess, even though I don't want to, I'll go home alone,
No nevyhnem sa pohľadu, ktorý ostáva vo mne navždy mám,
But I can't avoid the look, that remains in me forever,
Plnu hlavu pohybov čo dala nepoznam ju ale milujem ju od mala,
My head is full of the moves she did, I don't know her but I love her since I was a child,
Chcel by som hned, žeby si ma zobrala, budem s ňou do smrti od rána do rána furt,
I would like her to take me right now, I'll be with her for the rest of my life, from morning till morning,
Ale skôr ako sa spamätam moja vysnívana volá taxi asi som sa namotal lebo viem to teraz, že bez nej nezaspím.
But before I can come to my senses, my dream girl is calling a cab, I guess I got carried away because I know now that I won't fall asleep without her.
Nestretol som ju odvtedy, prvý krát a naposledy,
I haven't met her since then, the first and the last time,
Ale na byt, ktorý šla jak paní, počuju dodnes z ozveny.
But the apartment she went to like a lady, I can still hear her from the echo.
Jej pohľad je u mňa uväznený, možno preto som doteraz bez ženy
Her look is a prisoner in me, maybe that's why I'm still without a wife
Lebo čakám na to ked stretnem ju zase a ostanem s ňou bez zmeny navždy.
Because I'm waiting for the time when I'll meet her again and I'll stay with her forever.

Авторы: El Murdo, Kali

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